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FODMAP Diet info??


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Dh has celiac and is allergic to corn. He is still having some issues even being strict gluten and corn free. At his GI appointment this morning the doctor suggested he follow FODMAP (gf and corn free). He sent him home with some literature and, of course, there are LOTS of websites out there but I'd love some btdt input. Good websites, reliable facebook pages, favorite books, recipes - that sort of thing. 


If you follow this diet or know anything about it I'd love your input :)


Edited by PuddleJumper1
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There are good apps. The Monash one and an NHS food maestro one that might not be as useful outside the UK. I followed the elimination diet for a month in the summer. It's not the healthiest and I was struggling by the end but it's worth doing. There are tons of videos on YouTube about it too.

Edited by lailasmum
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Low FODmap is not meant to be a lifetime diet. You follow it strictly until symptoms go away or improve then you gradually add stuff back in and see if it causes a reaction. Sometimes it's not that the food will be forbidden altogether but just that the quantity will need to be small. It's a kind of elimination diet. 


Corn is allowed on low FODmap so I assume that is an additional restraint that the doctor imposed on your dh because of the allergy. GF is part of low FODmap until you test to see if it makes things worse if you re-introduce it. (Obviously doesn't apply to your dh with celiac.) 


It was a royal pain in the neck to be honest and it is hard, imo, to get all the nutrients in because so much food is not allowed including many fruits and some veges. I ate a lot of homemade chicken soup, oatmeal, rice, potatoes, and the allowed fruits and veges. All cooked! No raw veges or fruit for a while.  :svengo:


Sorry, I don't know the website I used anymore. (I was on it for almost a year as a result of reactive IBS to food poisoning.) My sympathy to your dh. I hope he finds that he can eat many of the foods eventually. 

Edited by Laurie4b
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I started the diet on May 1 and finished mid-July. Prior to the diet I had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, breath test, gastric emptying study and ultrasound. I had pain, bloating, cramping and nausea. These episodes happened several times a week but I had no idea why. My doc recommended the fodmap diet and it was a total life changer. I wish I had tried it a year earlier. I didn't find it to be hard at all. I loved feeling great. I saw results literally the first day. My triggers are lactose, garlic and onions. The first link I shared was an amazing book that made this weird diet easy to follow. Good luck!

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