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After thinking she wouldn't like any online classes, oldest dd is partway through a shadow week at Kolbe Academy and is enjoying it.  I'm looking for more options for live classes.  She specifically likes that there was a chat box as well as opportunities to speak in the classes.  What are your favorites?

Edited by Lisa in the UP of MI
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This is highly kid-dependent as one kid could love a teacher/class and another might really dislike it. Goals of the class to your goals and "fit" with the teacher are two that are important.


DD#1 is my online class kid as she does better for outside teachers. Here are her favorites/likes:

Sr. Gamache for Spanish (but he locks down the chat box during class)

Mrs. Childress at Excelsior for Chemistry (only once per week)

WHA for math (Mrs. Smith)

CLRC for German (enjoys this, not exactly up to a "favorite")


Least favorite for this kid:

Mrs. Hoeft @ Homeschool Connections (loves math, teacher made lots of mistakes during class & feedback on homework/tests almost non-existent)

Second Form Latin @ Memoria Press with Mr. Cable (not a good fit with teacher, but a friend's kid loved him)

Prep for Rhetoric Writing @ WTMA w/Dr Brian (and many kids loved her; teacher & class were not a fit, so we dropped the class)

Spanish 4 @ WHA w/Sra. Pliego (loves Spanish, not a fit with the teacher)


ETA:  She's also taken classes @ OnlineG3, Lukeion, Homeschool Spanish Academy, Roy Speed, and another WHA class. Those were/are neither favorite nor total duds.

Edited by RootAnn
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Trinqueta's used Athena, G3 Online, WTMA, Landry and is currently enrolled in Memoria Press Online Academy's diploma program. We chose MPOA instead of Kolbe because it requires fewer classes for the diploma which means she can take CC DE classes and it's less expensive. We've also watched recorded classes from Homeschool Connections, use Homeschool Spanish Academy for 1 on 1 tutoring and are doing an EdX MOOC for government.


We've only had one class that was such a dud that we dropped it and that was from an individual provider who is no longer around. In general, online classes are a bit like B&M school, some are awesome, some are just okay but get the job done and some are a chore.

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My 9th grader has had many classes with WTMA and we haven't had a bad one. His absolute favorite has been AOPS prealgebra-algebra 2 with Mrs. Quintero.


We have Logic and American History with Memoria Press this year. It is our first experience with MP online. Those classes are going well. Similar in format to WTMA.


We outsource almost everything so we are filling needs not just taking one or two fantastic classes. So far, I would trust both WTMA and MP to deliver a solid class, even if not exciting. Of course there will be variations in teachers and courses but I have a level of trust and confidence in those providers.


At WTMA my ds loves Mrs. Quintero and Mr. Caro. I think my ds would beg to take Ditch Digging 101 if Mr. Caro was the teacher.

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Both my daughters and I really like Homeschool Connections (provider of Catholic online live and recorded classes), and I definitely plan to subscribe again next year.  The foreign language and writing teachers are amazing, but all of the classes are good.  My daughters (8th and 9th grades) have been exposed to and learned a lot since September.

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Yeah KOLBE!!!  My ds is taking Biology with Mr. Frey --- He's the BEST!   Ever have a teacher pull out an ukulele or electric guitar to teach about mitosis or other biology concepts?  How about pull out magically items from his desk to get the point across.....It was definitely the best money can buy for my visual learner like my son.


We also like Jann_in_TX for the visual learner stuff. 


And for writing we like Jessica at Coram Deo Tutorials. 

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Yeah KOLBE!!! My ds is taking Biology with Mr. Frey --- He's the BEST! Ever have a teacher pull out an ukulele or electric guitar to teach about mitosis or other biology concepts? How about pull out magically items from his desk to get the point across.....It was definitely the best money can buy for my visual learner like my son.


We also like Jann_in_TX for the visual learner stuff.


And for writing we like Jessica at Coram Deo Tutorials.

I got really confused at the cost structure of Kolbe with all the extra fees. May I ask how much did the class cost in total (not including books and lab supplies)?

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Yeah KOLBE!!!  My ds is taking Biology with Mr. Frey --- He's the BEST!   Ever have a teacher pull out an ukulele or electric guitar to teach about mitosis or other biology concepts?  How about pull out magically items from his desk to get the point across.....It was definitely the best money can buy for my visual learner like my son.


We also like Jann_in_TX for the visual learner stuff. 


And for writing we like Jessica at Coram Deo Tutorials. 


Is your son in the class that meets on Thursday morning?  That was one of the classes my dd shadowed this week.

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The only one we’ve tried is Homeschool Spanish Academy, but DD loves it! It took her a couple of weeks to get used to the format and to find a teacher she loves, but it’s her favorite class. I wish we could get that one-on-one teaching with a prescribed curriculum but at her pace for other classes at a similar price.

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For live online classes, I have children really enjoying The Potter's School and also HSLDA Academy Online this year. 


I have one in Introduction to Computer Programming at TPS. He loves it.

Another son is in Creative Writing at TPS. He also loves it. This one is special because they break off into study rooms to use the headsets/microphones and share their work with each other.


AP class at HSLDA. Live lecture with chat and study group opportunities. Student Cafe on the Student homepage, also. My son is enjoying it.




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For the exact total for the biology Kolbe class, I don't remember.  They did have a lot of fees BUT I will say their Tech Crew is 100% better than WTM Tech crew which is zilch.  I am at work now when I get home tonight, I will look it up.


Yes, ds mentioned that there was a "shadow" in Kolbe biology class last Thursday.  Was it Mr. Frey? Then yes. 

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We love myhomeschoolmathclass.org, Jann in TXs math. Math has become my son's favorite class!


Clover Creek Physics was just amazing!


Memoria Press has a Senior Thesis class. My son is struggling because he hates to write so he is a terrible procrastinator but he really likes the teacher - Kevin Dray - and it has been an excellent experience so far.


Bravewriter classes have also been great experiences...but I can't afford too many.

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Yeah KOLBE!!! My ds is taking Biology with Mr. Frey --- He's the BEST! Ever have a teacher pull out an ukulele or electric guitar to teach about mitosis or other biology concepts? How about pull out magically items from his desk to get the point across.....It was definitely the best money can buy for my visual learner like my son.


We also like Jann_in_TX for the visual learner stuff.


And for writing we like Jessica at Coram Deo Tutorials.

Is Kolbe Christian or secular? Is this the regular or honors Biology? How’s the work load for a ninth grader? Looking for my 9th grader next year. Thanks.

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Kolbe, in general, is Catholic. I don't know how Christian their biology class is. I believe Mr Frey only teaches the regular Biology class, but I could be wrong.


Is Kolbe Christian or secular? Is this the regular or honors Biology? How’s the work load for a ninth grader? Looking for my 9th grader next year. Thanks.


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Kolbe is catholic and will teach evolution.  He will be teaching evolution in the next section, so I do not know how detailed it is.  Kolbe stresses for parents to teach their children their family's value according to evolution.   That is the next chapter. Adult stem cell ok, fetus stem cell not ok.  Catholic prayers are said at the beginning of class and at the end.  Students need to do an opening prayer and closing prayer atleast once per quarter for participation points (besides other ways of getting participation points).





Edited by Nicholas_mom
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Kolbe is catholic and will teach evolution. He will be teaching evolution in the next section, so I do not know how detailed it is. Kolbe stresses for parents to teach their children their family's value according to evolution. That is the next chapter. Adult stem cell ok, fetus stem cell not ok. Catholic prayers are said at the beginning of class and at the end. Students need to do an opening prayer and closing prayer atleast once per quarter for participation points (besides other ways of getting participation points).

Thanks for the details!

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We're also with Kolbe Academy - Online. And my daughter also has Mr. Frey. He's a top notch Biology teacher. Both my kids had him and both praised him highly. 

Almost all of the Kolbe teaching staff have been fantastic in their own way but it is highly dependent on your kid too.  For example both my kids loved Mrs Powers in Geometry but I know other kids who were terrified of her (because she was demanding in her proofs? ) 

I've been very very pleased with Kolbe Academy.

They do teach from a Catholic point of view as is expected of a Catholic school. That means science is in line with what will be found in all major universities. 



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