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Help with this volunteer job application

Night Elf

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I'm applying to volunteer at my local hospital. They ask for employment information but have only one line. I'm assuming I put my most  recent work experience there? That was not a great indicator of what kind of commitment I can make. I was there only 5 months. There is no box to explain why I left. I guess I'll put it anyway and hope for the best?

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I would assume that they're looking for "are you working now?" so they can sort out whether it impacts your availability, rather than "have you been working" so they can sort out whether they want you.


I'd put homemaker, and make a note that you do not have young children in the home (unless I'm wrong, I seem to remember that your kids are in college) so your flexibility is available.  This will make you look like a better candidate than someone who might need to cancel frequently for work trips and non-optional over time.  

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I would assume that they're looking for "are you working now?" so they can sort out whether it impacts your availability, rather than "have you been working" so they can sort out whether they want you.


I'd put homemaker, and make a note that you do not have young children in the home (unless I'm wrong, I seem to remember that your kids are in college) so your flexibility is available.  This will make you look like a better candidate than someone who might need to cancel frequently for work trips and non-optional over time.  


The did ask why did I want to be a volunteer. I said I had homeschooled my children for 15 years and they were grown and independent now and that I'm looking for an opportunity to give my time to my community. 

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