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Chlorine, gut biome, weight


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I saw a blurb (and I honestly don't know who said it) about the chlorine in water killing good gut bacteria. I know we've talked in the past about gut health and weight. Has anyone done any studies about chlorine in our water and gut health?

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There are some studies you can google. You will likely find opposing views as always. I do try to steer clear of chlorine as much as possible.

If you are concerned about chlorine, I'd get a water purifier like the Berkey. They have special additional filters for chlorine.

Increase fermented foods for gut health. Donna Schwenk has a lot to say about gut biome here: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/

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I'll take chlorine over cholera or dysentery any day of the week. :) Imo, it's one of those necessary things at this time when you have massive public water systems, and apart from people on well water, it would be a difficult study to run. You'd almost have to go out of the country and then that changes too many variable in another direction. The other options that I'm aware of- UV, etc.- are cost prohibitive at this time for large municipalities. But maybe with further funding and more interest and adoption it could be driven down......anyway, in the meantime, I'm not sure how solid of a study you're going to find. It's incredibly difficult to point the finger strictly at chlorinated water on anything, and gut health is a relatively newer research area, in terms of scientific interest. The studies I've seen are very theoretical in nature. 

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I'll take chlorine over cholera or dysentery any day of the week. :)

Well, I imagine it tends to help with weight loss if you ignore that they could kill you in a few hours. :p I too, will take chlorine in my drinking water over waterborne illness every day of the week.


If the chlorine really worries you, though, a carbon based filter takes care of that easily.

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Pretty much everything is doing us in. I just don't pay attention to it anymore as it is everywhere, from the plastics in cars to carpets and even how we're being radiated every day by our homes via the electrical currents running through wires in the walls.


I'm a nerd. I got a device to measure it. Even wall outlets, not in use, emit electro magnetic radiation. Simple power line, running to your house above ground = forget it.


I'll take one for naïve please!!! So much more peaceful that way!

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