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OPGTR "PH" Lesson


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We just got to lesson sixty something in OPGTR where it teaches "wh" and "ph". The words they list in the "ph" section involve phonics rules we haven't learned yet like "phone" and "photograph." So far we have only worked with the short sounds of vowels. Am I supposed to teach him those on my own?



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Have you guys learned Syllables yet? I would get some short vowel words that use "ph". I can't think of many...graph, hyphen, dolphin, orphan.

The goal is to just teach that the PH digraph makes a single, unique sound. It can't be sounded out, you have to learn PH as a sound unit.


I would maybe mention that alot of words that have a PH /f/ come from Greek so you don't see it much, and tell him that as he learns more vowel sounds, he'll be able to read more words with PH.



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Dd4 and I recently did that lesson. I agree with ReadingMama. I believe that it was just introducing the phonogram and didn't expect the kids to use it yet because most words using it are multisyllable words. We work on phonograms separately anyway (usually with various iPad apps) and just move on. DD liked that lesson because it was super short and she was already familiar with the phonograms so it took us about 2 minutes. :) 

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We also use LOEs phonogram app and teach your monster to read. We play games with the phonograms Dd knows. I find emphasizing the phonograms has helped fluency a lot. We use the Spalding phonogram list


This is exactly what we do too (right down to the app choices!). After going through OPGTR 2 times and well-into my third, I think there is a lot of value in learning the phonograms on the side before they are introduced in the book. That way, when we learn CH, I can say, "what sounds do 'ch' make? Today we'll be talking about the first sound of 'ch'," and then move on. 

Edited by Meagan S
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This is exactly what we do too (right down to the app choices!). After going through OPGTR 2 times and well-into my third, I think there is a lot of value in learning the phonograms on the side before they are introduced in the book. That way, when we learn CH, I can say, "what sounds do 'ch' make? Today we'll be talking about the first sound of 'ch'," and then move on.

Yes we just do the first sound too. I add new ones as they're introduced in OPG. Except Dd is pretty far into ateach your monesrer to read and they introduce ones we haven't had in OPG yet.

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