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SO..it turns out, he did do his school work, hm

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SO...turns out, my oldest son did do his school work. 


Here is how it went. I would ask him about doing biology and working with me on the graphic organizers. Now, he did not do the graphic organizers. He did not sit with me. When I would ask him about the biology, he would just tell me he does not like biology and would leave it at that.


So, I figured today, I would call everyone to the table and we would do it. But, as I called them to the table, the baby suddenly realized he was starving, LOL. He has just been fed, but had a sudden need to nurse again. So, I asked oldest son to draw two circle like things on the board to represent cells so we can talk about them. In the process, by the time he was done, he had completely drawn out all the parts to both cells and labeled. So, I went with it, I asked him to explain it. He did, in depth. He spent so much time on details, he had to draw more diagrams and had to keep talking while I took a bathroom break.


So yeah, hm. I guess we don't need graphic organizers. Time to move on....


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