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I'm wondering if I should add phonics for 4th....


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Here's the scoop... My daughter went to PS for K-2. In second grade she was also in special reading classes. (slow reader). Our first year of homeschooling was last year (3rd grade) and since it was new to us I didn't think about adding phonics. I thought that was just for beginning readers. So last year we just read back and forth to each other and dd improved tons.


But now I'm wondering if I should add Explode the Code or something similar to make sure she actually knows the rules.


How do you decide whether or not your child needs the extra help?



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If not, you may not need to do anything, but since you posted, I'm assuming she is. I would reccomend SWR. It's not so babyish to make her feel like, well, a baby!;) It is a wonderful program and works really well. If you are interested, there are a lot of people here who use it and could give you some advise. HTH!



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Look at the final Explode the Code books and guestimate if your daughter knows the phonics rules listed for those particular books.


Explode the Code 8:


-ness, -less

-ous, -or (as in generous, humorous, inspector)

-ist, -ity

-ture, -ment

-able, -ible

-sion, tion

-ance, -ence

-tive -sive

-ify, -ize (as in qualify, motorize)

-ti-, -ci- (as in delicious, essential)


Other words in ETC 8 with these phonographs: acquainted, acquaintancedesterous, fortify, defective, defection, investigator, hazardous, dexterity, collective, recollection, dependent, patience, indestructible.


If you can remember your daughter just cruising over these phonographs while reading whatever it is she reads aloud to you then she probably doesn't have much to gain in Explode the Code and would be ready instead to study words with Greek and Latin roots. On the other hand, if she stumbles over multisyllabic words with these endings she might benefit from a systematic study of these phonographs in ETC 8.


ETC 7 covers soft c and g and ei, eigh.

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When I brought my older son home I felt that he still needed phonics help to become a strong reader, so I added that in for him during second and third grades. I would absolutely use something good like ETC to help review with her and make sure she understands the rules. It's never too late to do this. Those working with adults learning to read often do it.



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