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Rising third grader starting public school. Eta picture


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My son starts school next week. I am most concerned about writing. We have focused on reading the past two years at home. I strongly suspect dyslexia. What do you think? We haven't done a lot this summer. I was just trying to get him to write a few sentences on one topic. The sentence about the box is typical, in that he uses simple words. He's more interesting in person ;)



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My 3rd grade sons writing is similar. I suspect possible dyslexia too although he has gone from struggling to very competent reader in a short time, so I'm hoping writing will eventually take off.


What has helped us this year with getting some more complex thoughts and ideas onto paper is the writing with ease method of getting them to dictate ideas and thoughts and then copy the writing. The writing mechanics are difficult for my son so it's really helpful for him to have separation between the creating process and the writing it down process.


I know it'll be different working with the school etc but this might help with homework.

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Do you have him narrate to you? How is his " writing" if you ask him to tell you a story orally?


My DD has dysgraphia and writes a lot like that. If you ask her to compose something orally she does really well but when she has to write it it all becomes a jumbled mess.


Also, if your DS cannot spell he will use really simple words because he cannot spell bigger ones.


I would probably not say dyslexia with that sample unless his reading is also troublesome. I would probably lean towards disgraphia.


It's also possible that there is nothing wrong with him and he just hasn't had enough practice.


You should have him evaluated in any case as it isn't third grade writing and he will struggle in class.

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