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talk me into it / talk me out of it.

Writing phobic teen. Has done copy work, and some Sentence Composing.

otherwise written work is sentence frags


like this


or monotonous s - v - o sentences






Will this make my life easy? Video instruction seems to work well for him so that's a plus.

I have spent chunks of my life writing for a living but I SUCK at teaching it so I need something that he can work on independently with me just possibly providing editorial suggestions.

Any other program I should be considering??  I don't think online live would work. He'd be too panicked. We need baby steps from the beginning & preferably a formula.






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Well I'm no expert but it sounds like IEW would meet all your listed requirements/address the issues and concerns. DVDs teach to the student. If you get the whole C package you will have DVDs to help you teach, too. Everything is broken into tiny pieces, pace is pretty slow, and a lot of really challenged writers have found this program finally unlocked their ability to get words on a page and eventually move forward into more eloquent writing.


Have you looked at Inspiration software? It might help with organizing output.


How about the building blocks, like grammar? Is he solid on understanding grammar? If grammar is weak, too, then maybe pair IEW SWI-C with Fix-It Grammar (new, not old).

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I've done IEW some with my writing phobic teen. It really helps many, but what was a real help to us was Brave Writer online classes. It was amazing what the teachers could draw out of my teen.  They didn't tell him what to write so much as give him the framework and assistance to draw it out of him. IEW is more of a formula - do this in this way. It works, but it is not individualized.


If you look at Brave Writer, then I would recommend starting at Kidswriter Intermediate.

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Is SWI-C a semester or year long class- a half credit or full credit? 

It is really set up to be done in 30 weeks, but it CAN be sped up and completed in 15 weeks.  If the student is capable, that is.  Rushing if they aren't getting the material seems pointless.


As for whether this would be considered a half or full credit for High School, are you meaning as a full credit for English I?  I would think you would need to add in literature studies and maybe some grammar?  Maybe someone else can better answer that question.  My DD isn't in High School yet so I don't have any BTDT experience with regards to High School credits.

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I would like to use SWI-C as part of English 9 for DS.  We will also add literature and grammar.  I was confused because their website indicates that in 9th grade one should start with SWI-C and follow with The Elegant Essay.  I thought that meant that each was one semester?  


the schedule they suggest is for 30 weeks. But there are 15 lessons so if you want to work fast, you might get it done in a semester.

You can have a look at the scope, sequence & schedule here on pp 8-10  of this pdf http://iew.com/sites/default/files/videocourse/fileattachment/SWI-C_Sample.pdf

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I would like to use SWI-C as part of English 9 for DS. We will also add literature and grammar. I was confused because their website indicates that in 9th grade one should start with SWI-C and follow with The Elegant Essay. I thought that meant that each was one semester?

I asked this very same question on IEW'S forum, because it was also recommended to me to have my ds do SWI-C and then The Elegant Essay. The answer I got was to do them at one course per semester. I have yet to look over the course and see how I'll schedule it, though.

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