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Recommendations: books ADHD strategies

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Title says it all.  


I'm weary and frustrated.


DS is newly 9 and I'm hitting a wall with him when it come to verbal stuff.  He doesn't "hear" us sometimes.  Sometimes it's just an excuse.  But others, there's a legitimate look of confusion (sometimes tears) on his face when we remind him that we said not to do whatever.


He's also quick to react (walk away, slam door) as opposed to using words to communicate his frustration/anger.  Lots of do-overs.


DS's inability to follow through on simple verbal requests has really done an uptick lately.  And it is, undeniably, the one issue that drives me over the edge .  He either gets distracted before he starts (lets out the cat first and forgets to go get his bath), or he gets distracted WHILE doing the thing.  The grocery cart can never be shoved into the corral, as I asked.  He must return it to the corral, along with the other dozen buggies strewn about that general area of the parking lot -- a 5-10 minute ordeal.  I mean, that's sweet and lovely, but it's stuff like that a LOT.  


I'm losing my cool a lot more lately, and I think the behaviors producing that reaction in me are ADHD specific, if my understanding is correct.


So, what's your best book recommendation to help parents of ADHD kids really understand and work with their child?   




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I think you are right--those are the exact same kinds of things my younger ds does, also to the extent of him in tears and me losing my cool. Here are some books that helped.


Parenting Children With ADHD by Vincent Monastra.


Taking Charge of ADHD by Russell Barkley.






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I second the Barkley books, and Superparenting for ADD.


A token system worked well to get my kids (three with ADHD) to do "first time response." That lasted 3 months or so, then the system lost novelty, but it did give DH and I a short reprieve and some hope.


After my kids started medication it made a world difference.

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