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Walking Dead Season Finale *spoilers*


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It was a great episode.  I LOVE that Morgan is "found." That last moment, with them pretty much in switched roles was just awesome.  I'm so excited for Rick and him to be back together.  I hope it brings some balance to Rick.


The wolves- yuck.  I guess we know what next season will be all about.


Deanna's husband- the moment he said those lovely lines, I knew he was a goner, though I have to say that when it happened it took my by surprise.  Loved Rick's speech.  


I hope that Sasha can get a grip now. And Gabriel. Because they're both annoying the crap out of me. 


I'm really thankful that no major players were killed in this episode. They really left a sister worried there a few times.  

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I was screaming at the tv when Glenn was shot and when he was fighting for his life.  I'm not the kind to scream at the tv- dh and ds were shocked and just stared at me. And then I did it again when Daryl was being overrun by walkers. 


I am SO glad nobody major died, but I'm worried the first episode of next season will show Glenn's death. Ugh. I hope not!



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I was so glad Glen didn't die I can't even say, lol. I shouldn't be that attached to a fictional character. 


I kept saying, "Oh my gosh, he could still be bitten!!"  


I agree about Morgan balancing out Rick--I hope!  On Talking Dead, the actor was on and said that he's so "zen" because he had a transformative moment or something like that, which we'll learn about next season.  I'm SO glad that the death of his wife and son didn't send him permanently over the edge--AND that he kicked ass!  LOL


I have to say that although I like the stronger Carol, dh and I both believe that strength without a moral underpinning isn't good.  We can't tell where the show is going with her so I'm leery.  I don't want to NOT like her, but her callousness is scary sometimes.


But I was glad Deanna gave Rick the go-ahead to kill Pete.  Man, I'm so curious about how this community is going to develop!


I was on pins and needles with Sasha and Father Gabriel.  It was so intense to me, like one of them was going to SNAP.  And then, beautifully, Maggie comes in and sort of shows them what faith can really do.  That was my take on it, although I know her faith has taken a hit, too.  Whose wouldn't?

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I loved the scene with Sasha on top of the walkers! Father Gabriel really is getting obnoxious. I cannot wait to watch the spinoff this summer. AMC really does have some of the best shows on television! Madmen, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Killing. Anyone planning to watch TURN:Washington's Spies?

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I was so relieved that none of the main characters died. When they showed the promo of Talking Dead and I saw Daryl in the seat next to Carol I thought for sure he was dead. I was sad about Reg but I knew he was not long for this show. He was way too nice and normal.


I don't get the Wolves. I know they are killers and scavengers, but what's the purpose of the elaborate traps? I don't like them as bad guys yet. 


I'm looking forward to the spin off too. 



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I thought he wasn't coming out of that one. I really hoped they wouldn't do that to Maggie.

I don't know if he did come out of it. He wouldn't be the first character to get bit and go home to die. I sure hope not though bc I'm mighty attached to him too!


Glad Pete is dead.

Disappointed the minister isn't.

Glad to see Morgan back.

Think he was stupid to let the wolves live.

That's sure going to be "returned" to him.

Glad to have sane Rick back.

Carol calling him sunshine cracked me up.

I'm glad he decided she was wrong.

So everyone is together again and united again.


And the wolves are coming and it looks like they are fond of using zombies to do the worst of their damage for them. Like driving deadly cattle. Not good.


I'm just glad none of the heros died this time around and it didn't leave us hanging on a cliff this time.

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Maggie comes in and sort of shows them what faith can really do. That was my take on it, although I know her faith has taken a hit, too. Whose wouldn't?

Not my take at all. She knows they need Gabriel to take the fall for the poo hitting the fan. I think she would offer him up like a turkey dinner if it means the rest of them can move forward in the village. She won't like it, but she will do it. She is silently furious at his betrayal and hypocrite selfishness. And I think she just wanted to spare Sasha one more regret too.

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I loved the scene with Sasha on top of the walkers! Father Gabriel really is getting obnoxious. I cannot wait to watch the spinoff this summer. AMC really does have some of the best shows on television! Madmen, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Killing. Anyone planning to watch TURN:Washington's Spies?

I was planning to give TURN a try. I saw it pop up on Hulu and queued it.


I couldn't stand the others and never desired to watch past the first couple episodes.


I don't know if I'll watch the TWD companion show. I have TWD, izombie, and Z nation. I don't really need more zombie shows to watch a 1am. But none of them are actually about zombies at all.

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I still don't understand the wolves thing.  I'll probably go back and watch again, but it just wasn't jelling in my head.


When Daryl volunteered to be bait, I just kept telling myself "There's no way they'll kill him off. There's no way they'll kill him off."


Yay, Rick and yay, Morgan.  But poor Morgan, needing to meet the "new" Rick!

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I thought it was a good finale. I was a bit tense when they made it seem like Glen might be dead. 

I, too, don't really "get" the whole thing with the Wolves. I just wasn't getting my head wrapped around them at all. I'm a bit curious to see how they play out next season. 

Father Gabriel...he's just so ridiculous, it's almost like he's on there for comic relief. His character annoys me, but so does the acting of the fella who plays him. Just grates on my nerves. 


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I thought it was a good finale. I was a bit tense when they made it seem like Glen might be dead. 

I, too, don't really "get" the whole thing with the Wolves. I just wasn't getting my head wrapped around them at all. I'm a bit curious to see how they play out next season. 

Father Gabriel...he's just so ridiculous, it's almost like he's on there for comic relief. His character annoys me, but so does the acting of the fella who plays him. Just grates on my nerves. 


I can't stand Father Gabriel but I am a big fan of the actor playing him (Seth Gilliam).  He does a great job playing annoying characters.

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I loved the season finale…just sad we don't get to watch more until, what?, October?


Thank goodness they didn't kill off Glenn. My entire family yelled at the TV, "Not Glenn!"

I felt the same way when Daryl offered to be bait.

Rick's speech was great.

Glad Morgan is back and loved the way he fought off the wolves but sorry they did not get eaten in the car.

Wish someone had killed off Father Gabriel…I really don't like his character.

I don't get the whole wolves thing either…what's the point with taking live people and feeding them to the zombies or making them zombies? Aren't there enough zombies out there without doing that?

I love Carol. 

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I am so relieved that Glen didn't die. I think I need to watch again, because I spent the whole episode worrying over Glen. I probably missed some things. I'm embarrassed sometimes at how attached I get to fictional characters. :blushing:


I'm glad they got rid of Pete - I loved Carol's scene with him. I saw it as her doing what she always wished she could have done with Ed. Her character is so great. Calling Rick sunshine, like he was a child, was one of my favorite moments.


I'm not sure I get the wolves either. At least with the Termites we know what they wanted. I don't understand the motives here. Just creating more zombies seems like a stupid and dangerous thing to do. It seems that they just create chaos and then just scavenge what is left behind.


I'm looking forward to the spin-off. It gives us something to watch until Season 6.


Now I'm ready to dive into Game of Thrones!

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I was expecting something different after reading the finale was going to be 'emotional'. I didn't find it emotional at all, but mostly tense. They set it up so that several people could have died, and that was great, but not 'emotional'. I really enjoyed it.


I'm glad Glenn didn't die but I fear he was bitten. I hope not because he is a FABULOUS piece of glue for the group.


Father Gabriel has annoyed me from the first scene when his character was introduced. Ugh. I just can't stand scenes that have him in them.


Loved Rick's speech. Loved it!


Not sorry to see Pete go but I thought it should have been done in private, rather than in front of everyone (and his wife!). It had more impact this way, though, and the moment with Morgan is why it was done, but still. After the zombie apocalypse there need to be rules & laws, but a death sentence shouldn't be public and in the heat of the moment.


The Wolves--- I may have missed something, but are they the exiled folks? If so, I would imagine they are gathering a "walker army" and keeping them well-fed (strong) in order to unleash them on the town as revenge for being exiled. If they are not the exiled folks, then I have no idea why they would be going through such lengths to keep all the walkers there.


Finally---- is anyone else having a hard time with the term 'walkers'? It's neat and all, but they have been referred to as Walkers, Roamers, Lame-Brains, and a few others.... why not Zombies? It really bugs me!!


I am looking forward to the new season, but I don't know if I'm going to watch every week or try to suck it up and stream it when it comes on Netflix. All the commercials really bug me. I'll have to see if I'm strong enough to wait a year-and-a-half to watch!!


I'm going to try the companion series, but if the commercials are too much, then I'll quit. I can't stand them. 20 minutes of commercials for 40 minutes of show and only 16 episodes in a season? It makes me want to pull my hair out. TWD is the only TV show I watch on TV (and no one else watches a thing), so I may just get rid of cable. I really wish AMC would let us pay to watch online for $1 per episode (iTunes' $1.99 isn't much less than paying for cable). I can't justify a cable bill for one show. I'm at a crossroads with this. Ugh.

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I was expecting something different after reading the finale was going to be 'emotional'. I didn't find it emotional at all, but mostly tense. They set it up so that several people could have died, and that was great, but not 'emotional'. I really enjoyed it.


I'm glad Glenn didn't die but I fear he was bitten. I hope not because he is a FABULOUS piece of glue for the group.


Father Gabriel has annoyed me from the first scene when his character was introduced. Ugh. I just can't stand scenes that have him in them.


Loved Rick's speech. Loved it!


Not sorry to see Pete go but I thought it should have been done in private, rather than in front of everyone (and his wife!). It had more impact this way, though, and the moment with Morgan is why it was done, but still. After the zombie apocalypse there need to be rules & laws, but a death sentence shouldn't be public and in the heat of the moment.


The Wolves--- I may have missed something, but are they the exiled folks? If so, I would imagine they are gathering a "walker army" and keeping them well-fed (strong) in order to unleash them on the town as revenge for being exiled. If they are not the exiled folks, then I have no idea why they would be going through such lengths to keep all the walkers there.


Finally---- is anyone else having a hard time with the term 'walkers'? It's neat and all, but they have been referred to as Walkers, Roamers, Lame-Brains, and a few others.... why not Zombies? It really bugs me!!


I am looking forward to the new season, but I don't know if I'm going to watch every week or try to suck it up and stream it when it comes on Netflix. All the commercials really bug me. I'll have to see if I'm strong enough to wait a year-and-a-half to watch!!


I'm going to try the companion series, but if the commercials are too much, then I'll quit. I can't stand them. 20 minutes of commercials for 40 minutes of show and only 16 episodes in a season? It makes me want to pull my hair out. TWD is the only TV show I watch on TV (and no one else watches a thing), so I may just get rid of cable. I really wish AMC would let us pay to watch online for $1 per episode (iTunes' $1.99 isn't much less than paying for cable). I can't justify a cable bill for one show. I'm at a crossroads with this. Ugh.

Seeing how cautious what's his name is about who he invites into Alexandria, I have a hard time believing these guys are the exiled ones. IDK, I could be wrong.


I think it was important for Rick to do the execution right there in front of everyone, because it punctuated his point- they need to change. They need to get comfortable with death, and killing people who are not walkers. Also, I think he knew that Deanna was at a crossroads, and he needed to capitalize on that. She needs to lead the shift in thinking. I did think it was harsh on Jessie to have to see that. And honestly, I have some regrets (for them) on them losing a doctor.  That's an extremely valuable skill.  

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We have a subscription to the show through Amazon. No more cable or satellite for us! I'll have to check out the spin-off. DH will probably want to see it. He was upset at how the cliff hanger ending left him hanging!


I too was upset at the possible death of Glenn. Did I miss that Maggie had a miscarriage? I don't remember hearing anything about her pregnancy in several episodes.


Pete needed dying but wow! I had totally forgotten about the sword just hanging there.


Not sure I want to be like Carol anymore :)


Hurry up and do something about Gabriel. He doesn't make sense and irritates me.


I think Sasha might be the only sane one.


Really looking forward to season 6.

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Finally---- is anyone else having a hard time with the term 'walkers'? It's neat and all, but they have been referred to as Walkers, Roamers, Lame-Brains, and a few others.... why not Zombies? It really bugs me!!


I believe Kirkman set this in a world where there was no George Romero/Night of the Living Dead zombie lore/legends/knowledge.


He explained this on an early TTD episode.

"One of the things about this world is that people don't know how to shoot people in the head at first, and they're not familiar with zombies, per se," Kirkman said on Talking Dead. "This isn't a world the (George) Romero movies exist, for instance … because we don't want to portray it that way, we felt like having them be saying 'zombie' all the time would harken back to all of the zombie films which we, in the real world, know about."


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I really liked this episode!


This was the first time I didn't hate Gabriel. He tested God by standing in front of the walker. When it went after him, his faith was destroyed. Maggie showed him forgiveness and kindness and that he can go on after making a mistake.


Poor Morgan, thinking he was meeting his peace-loving buddy Rick.


How many Wolves are there? Were the two with the trucks the ones that attacked Morgan? I don't get them at all but I don't think they are the exiles. They were really interested in those photos. Bummer he left his bag behind.


I'm not thrilled with the death sentence. It shouldn't have been done so hastily.

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I was so relieved that none of the main characters died. When they showed the promo of Talking Dead and I saw Daryl in the seat next to Carol I thought for sure he was dead. I was sad about Reg but I knew he was not long for this show. He was way too nice and normal.


I don't get the Wolves. I know they are killers and scavengers, but what's the purpose of the elaborate traps? I don't like them as bad guys yet. 


I'm looking forward to the spin off too. 


 I'm with you, Paige. I echo this entirely, " I know they are killers and scavengers, but what's the purpose of the elaborate traps? I don't like them as bad guys yet. "


Nothing about the wolves makes any sense to me. It had better soon though or I'm really going to lose a lot of my interest in the show. Give them some underststandable motivation and rationale for what they're doing. Even if I don't agree with it, convince me it's compelling, writers! I'm not digging it at all.

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Seeing how cautious what's his name is about who he invites into Alexandria, I have a hard time believing these guys are the exiled ones. IDK, I could be wrong.


I think it was important for Rick to do the execution right there in front of everyone, because it punctuated his point- they need to change. They need to get comfortable with death, and killing people who are not walkers. Also, I think he knew that Deanna was at a crossroads, and he needed to capitalize on that. She needs to lead the shift in thinking. I did think it was harsh on Jessie to have to see that. And honestly, I have some regrets (for them) on them losing a doctor.  That's an extremely valuable skill.  


I do think it was a necessary evil for the execution to be done immediately, but was it done out of justice or haste? I'm sure RIck simply took advantage of Deanna's moment of (weakness? mourning? sudden clarity?) and just do it. I do hope that, should they develop 'laws', such punishment isn't so open.  


I agree about losing the doctor, but he was a liability and a drunkard. Who is to say he would be lucid if/when his skills were needed?


We have a subscription to the show through Amazon.


Can you elaborate on this? I looked around and didn't see a 'subscription' option. I'm not too Amazon savvy, though, other than to place orders, so it may have been all bright and in my face and I just didn't see it.


I believe Kirkman set this in a world where there was no George Romero/Night of the Living Dead zombie lore/legends/knowledge.


He explained this on an early TTD episode.

"One of the things about this world is that people don't know how to shoot people in the head at first, and they're not familiar with zombies, per se," Kirkman said on Talking Dead. "This isn't a world the (George) Romero movies exist, for instance … because we don't want to portray it that way, we felt like having them be saying 'zombie' all the time would harken back to all of the zombie films which we, in the real world, know about."


Ah. Thanks! I was late to TTD scene. All this time I thought TWD was more of "hey, bad flu season, look what happened", but it's more of an alternate reality. Oddly, I find that more difficult to swallow. LOL. At least I can now not obsess on it every time someone says Roamers, etc. I like "Walkers", though--- I just thought they used it as a sort of denial that zombies could happen. Going back in time a bit,  I absolutely loved the "we are the walking dead" speech. That gave me chills for some reason.


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Can you elaborate on this? I looked around and didn't see a 'subscription' option. I'm not too Amazon savvy, though, other than to place orders, so it may have been all bright and in my face and I just didn't see it.


Search for "Walking Dead" in Amazon Instant Video. It is called a Season Pass. It charges per episode as they release so you can cancel anytime during the season.

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