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How do you stop the guessing when reading?!

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My 10 yo DD has some pretty serious reading delays and memory issues.  She has made  a lot of progress this year- she can now manage most words if she will take the time to sound them out.  But she rarely does that- she still rushes and guesses.  Like today, she read "fresh" as "fish". When she slowed down and said the sounds, she read the word easily.  Any tips for getting your child to stop guessing?




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What reading program are you using?  And does your child have any official diagnosis?


What helped here with those exact struggles was switching to Barton Reading and Spelling.  But my kids are dyslexic and the program is specifically designed to address those issues associated with dyslexia.  Could your child be dyslexic?  Have you tried a phonics based program for reading that breaks everything down into smaller pieces?



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Ahh, I'm afraid that is a long story.  The short version is: no official diagnosis.  I suspected dyslexia and attempted to get private testing done, but our insurance wouldn't pay for it.  So we went through the school system to get the testing done.  After months of waiting for the results, they told me that she has trouble reading (which is the reason I went to them in the first place!)  They wouldn't do any further testing unless I put her in school.  The only other thing they could say was that, if she is dyslexic, that's not the only trouble.  She had trouble with some of the verbal aspects of the test too.  She's super smart in real life things, but she has trouble remembering things that aren't tangible to her (and some that are, like the names of new friends and relatives we only see once or twice a year.)


Anyway, while we were waiting for these results, I started using Apples and Pears and Dancing Bears, and it's been really great- the first real progress we've ever made.  She was on a first grade level in the fall, and is now on a third grade level (according to online reading tests.  I think it might be more like second grade judging from the readers we use, but it's been real progress nonetheless.)  These programs also break things down and make the child say the sounds before they try to spell or read.  She's guessing a lot less than she used to, but still more than I'd like to see.  I just wish there was some way to get her to slow down more.




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