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Well, that was interesting...

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In sheer frustration last Friday, and due to a bit of stress surrounding school, I announced a three week break over the holidays. 


And then Monday was horrible.


Tuesday was worse.


I made the observation, out loud, that DS does better with a schedule.  


And that's when DS made the suggestion we do no math -- just humanities -- until Christmas.  I said, "That's a deal."


So, schools back on, people... and it was my SON'S doing.  


Writing this down.  


I'll face math in 2015.








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We've been taking a break too, but I think it's harder than just continuing!  If I wasn't so exhausted and trying to get last-minute things done before the baby comes then I would just keep going, it keeps the kids from squabbling.  When we keep going with school then they have enough time left in the day to play with each other and enjoy it, but not enough where it gets to the at-each-other's-throats point that puts me over the edge.

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My older has always done better on a schedule (less tantrums more work done). He say school schedule is better than my schedule so I copied a 5th grade public school schedule for him to follow tomorrow. My local public school starts lessons at 8:15am while my older likes to sleep late, we'll see how it goes.

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We do better with a schedule too, so when we break, I do have morning activities planned most days. Even if that is only make cookies or go to the library or wrap gifts.

When we do school lightly, as we are this week, my kids play math games. They have fun and I am happy that their minds are using numbers and logical thinking. :)

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I might be in the twilight zone.


He read history and wrote his three sentence narration while I was teaching a violin student yesterday.  ON HIS OWN.


Solid phonetic spelling.  Complete sentences.  He read, he retained, he wrote.  


Can I wrap that up and put a ribbon on it?  ;) 







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We're just doing a half-day schedule this week & the week after Christmas. We're hitting the stuff that I know will need those days done if we're going to stay on track to finish by the end of the "school year" plus those things where I don't like to take a long break (math). It is just enough to provide structure without enough that they get bored. And I can get a break & get a few things done in the afternoons. Been going pretty well, actually.

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This is the reality in my house. A vacation benefits no one unfortunately. We need a schedule and to stick to the routine. I called vacation this morning but by the afternoon I had pulled out stuff for the 8 year old. I already knew what would happen but I am burnt out so I tried to make it work. A schedule, even if lighter, is better than complete chaos, fighting siblings and crying tantrums.

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