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Hi Everyone! It's been a while! Happy Thanksgiving!`


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Hi everyone! It's been quite a while since i have been on and I finally have a moment to breathe (before starting cooking LOL) so I thought I would drop by and say hi!


A little update on us: As some of you may recall, my two boys joined a project-based learning school three days a week in September. They absolutely adore the school. The first module was bridge building, so they spent 6 weeks working on numerous iterations of famous bridges, first using spaghetti and hot glue, then graduating to balsa wood. Their bridges were evaluated based on strength and beauty and a local engineer came in to give them tips on how to improve. They each have done one "genius hour" project: my 12 year old decided to work on how to make your own yo-yo, and my younger worked on his manga drawing skills. THey both received their junior scuba certification, and have gone on two overnight trips to amazing lakes and rivers in Florida to work with biologists and investigate local flora and fauna. The 20 kids in the program are very cool and smart and talented, and range in ages from 9 (my youngest) to 16, so it's a great mix of ages and talents. They've made friends, and learned to work in teams, and both have learned what "pop quiz" means LOL.


We work at home two days a week, mostly on History, Writing, Spanish, Math and Science. There isn't enough time (of course) to do everything we want, so I am still trying to figure that out.  Older is now working on Tablet Class Geometry and Derek Owens Physical Science (both of which are excellent) and we have decided to put Latin down for a bit (for older) to focus on Spanish. 


I recently moved my acupuncture office to a new location which I JUST LOVE--it's bigger, further away from the other clinic in the area, and I am very busy. I work while the kids are in school and also two evenings a week, so it's a bit exhausting, but I am slowly learning how to juggle everything. 


THe boys went with their father to Europe for two weeks (showing a picture below) which the school was happy to accomodate and they got the experience of a lifetime!


I missed everyone here and am off to browse the boards and see what I need to catch up on LOL....


Their team bridge projects on presentation day!





Boys in Paris:


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