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what is on your Christmas wish list this year??


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Well, I MAY have just gotten it. A house. 😄 We just put an offer in on a perfect home. I will be so very sad if it doesn't go through, but I'm choosing to believe it will. If all goes as planned, we would close on the 18, the day my mom gets into town. Then we could move the week she is here to help with the kids!

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Dh and I are going to a Packers game next month and our tickets are in a suite so we won't be freezing during the game.   We've never been to Lambeau so it's a nice treat for us AND it takes the hassle out of trying to find a special gift for dh.  

The older we get, the more I enjoy experiences instead of 'things'. 

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Nothing. The things I really want can't be wrapped, unfortunately.


I do want a thingy for my van. Our new-used van is great (truly!), but it only has a CD player, which doesn't work so well for us because we download audio books in mp3 form. My old van had a cassette player, so I used an adapter, which was great, but now I have to use the radio adapter, which really isn't great. So I either need a thingy to put in an mp3 cord or a cassette player. But neither of those are for me; they're for the kids, because I never play stuff for myself. And when I'm alone in a vehicle, I'm either using DH's gas efficient little car, or I use the time to call my mom.


But I can't think of a single thing I really want or need. New flannel pjs is about all.

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Wicked Good Slippers from LL Bean. Or is it Land's End? Whatever. They are, in fact, wicked good, and they last much longer than the cheapo ones from Kohl's that I've been settling for the past couple of years.


If Santa is real, I'd also like an essential oil diffuser (ultrasonic), a new camera lens, hiking pants that fit, pretty and cozy socks, and a bag (or seven) of mint m&ms. Oh! And a book or two by LM Montgomery (unless someone here tells me that I'll be bitterly disappointed because none of her other books match the magic that is Anne of Green Gables).


I'm really not that full of the gimmes. But you asked.  

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I have a huge list this year, lol.


An assortment: jeans, books, banned books sticker for my car, birdseed, Bluebird house, donations to my favorite charities, white porcelain bowls to replace our old bowls in the kitchen, various specialty oils & vinegars, specialty soaps, beginner knitting lessons, taiko drumming lessons, Kleen Kanteen stainless steel storage containers, some seamstress things done, some engraving done, $ for membership to the library system in the next county, beeswax lip balm, ....

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Realistically, nothing.  We spent our savings to move across the US so that we could have our family together.  I will just be glad to have my husband with us this year instead of 1500 miles away.

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We are not budgeting for dh and I. I also told my two older kids they may not get anything from us. It has not been a good year.


If I had a wish list I'd be considering a fitness tracker I could where in the pool. I used to want the gar in each you could where swimming. It was expensive, but you could track running, biking and swimming. Any other fitness thing to make exercise more interesting would be great too.

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A double stroller! Little girl is 9 days old and I'm itching to (slowly) head out on walks again. I baby wear most of the day but I'd love to not have to for workouts.


And I'd love a full night of sleep and a morning that doesn't start at 5 am. I'm guessing Santa can't bring that this year.

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I think I'm getting a new stainless steel cookware set. I got my grandma's spare set (that she had already decided to replace!) of Revere ware when I went off to college. I've been using them ever since. I think it's time.


I think I'm getting a flannel shirt from Duluth Trading.

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My early Christmas present was going to a World Series game in Kansas City. I loved it! That is supposed to be my whole christmas. If I get something else, I would like a rash guard for swimming. I usually take the kids in the evening, but I would love one for when we go during the day. I don't like having to mess with sunscreen that much.

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A book about fermenting and culturing food. Rosie suggested one that I have marked on Amazon and then there is another one by Donna Schwenk. Will have to decide on one.


A convection toaster oven


I love fun assortment of paper pads and pens


Sleepshirt that is long (covering back) but not too long


I am sure if I take the time I will be able to think of more book titles...

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A double stroller! Little girl is 9 days old and I'm itching to (slowly) head out on walks again. I baby wear most of the day but I'd love to not have to for workouts.


And I'd love a full night of sleep and a morning that doesn't start at 5 am. I'm guessing Santa can't bring that this year.


Santa himself may have to get up at 5a.m. and take care of things so you can sleep....:)

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This is going to sound more pathetic than it actually is: I would like my husband to find a job he feels optimistic about. 


The company he works for is doing one of their reorganizations, and his department is being dissolved. It won't take effect until the end of January, and he has a little bit of severance and some unused vacation time that will extend his salary for another few months after that. And, while what I bring in wouldn't come close to paying all of our bills, I am working. He's got a few irons in the fire, too. So, the situation isn't critical yet. But I would really like him to find something that he would find interesting and challenging and in which he felt really valued.





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I don't know what your issue is, but several years in a row my birthday AND Christmas lists were "to do lists" for DH to do.........hang really heavy pictures, paint a room, etc.....



I would like a certain issue to be fixed by the end of the year.  That is all I want.  


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I would love it if my kids would clean something......like the office that they use all the time and leave wrappers in.  (I use the term office loosely, we keep all our desktops and such in there, DH doesn't use it for work.


I would like DH to do a few things in the house, help me with some handyman stuff.


As far as material things, I tend to just buy what I want/need when I want it, so Christmas for us is more about the kids.


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Oh THANK YOU for reminding me!


I need DS's curtains hung!


Oh, and he has no lights as his light panel was taken down to paint.


More to add!  WhooHoo!



Sounds like my dh lol. Add Mother's Day to that list. I hope I can get the rest of these curtains hung before Christmas. They are thermal, afterall.


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