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Alternative Allergy remedies that work?


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I've been taking benadryl and mucinex every day for weeks, and this stupid fall weather shifting back & forth is driving me crazy.  At this point my nose is bleeding on & off and I go through a box and a half of kleenex every day.  Please someone tell me you've found a natural allergy remedy that works.


I've tried rubbing orange oil on my toes, I've tried local honey.  I haven't tried quitting dairy yet, but I will if someone tells me it works for them.  I decided in a previous year that a neti pot didn't work for me, but I'm seriously considering trying it again.

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I can't link! A product our family uses is Allernone, made in Texas, although with my old lady eyes and reading glasses I can't read the fine print!

It is homeopathic. It relieves symptoms very subtle-like. I don't get a dry mouth or dry eyes, it just relieves my symptoms, no headaches. You know about homeopathic, right? It has penicillin in it also, and I am supposedly allergic to penicillin, but I take it anyway. It is for seasonal allergies. Look them up on newrootz dot com.

It is pricey. I couldn't find it on vitacost. Maybe Amazon?

Bless you every time you sneeze! I never really suffered from seasonal allergies until about 6 years ago. This helps it so much. My dh had your symptoms too...watery, itchy, red eyes, sore throat, runny nose. He uses allernone and he starts getting relief within an hour, usually sooner.


Edited to clarify: It relieves my headaches and other symptoms.

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DD13 doesn't do well with benedryl (knocks her loopy), but has terrible birch allergies in spring and cottonwood in fall. 


What really does work for DD13 -

an excellent air purifier in her bedroom at night  and keeping the doors/windows shut during the day.

showering before bed and after being outside

washing hands and face every time she comes in the door

drinking extra water (cuts down on nose bleeds)

warm water with a little honey and lemon to ease the scratchy throat.

frequent washing of coats and sweatshirts after being outside.



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