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any cognitive-behavior-therapy type stuff for the littles?

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Is there any kind of program around that helps a young kid (around age 7) stop making cognitive distortions?  For example, my son has decided that his uncle doesn't like him, and so he interprets EVERYTHING with this uncle through that lens which just makes the idea stronger in his mind, and will NOT change his mind no matter what happens or what anyone says.  I mean he isn't just making everything up-- there was a kernel of truth in his conclusion in that this uncle enjoys teasing him, but he just spins the conclusion out of control.  I am really worried about this tendency-- this is the kind of thing that is at the core of developing social anxiety.  It is so much healthier for him to give the benefit of the doubt to others, but he is such a smart and confident little fellow that he has absolute faith in his negative judgments and (non-clinical level) paranoia.   


Sorry for flooding this board with my questions... I guess I am extremely overwhelmed by my special needs kid these days and feel so lost.

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:grouphug:  I have one like that too, though maybe for different reasons.

He's not too young for cognitive behavioral therapy. I agree that this is important.


I'm so overwhelmed with the other things that this area hasn't been something I've researched, so I don't know of any materials to suggest. It might be worth a cognitive behavioral therapist. I'll follow to see if you get suggestions!

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This is the book I am reading now and recommends a lot of cognitive strategies. But if there is a kernel of truth and you are not seeing this with your ds across the board, I would talk to the uncle about it. And I might anyway. My SN child has a very hard time with teasing, understanding and processing it. I would have a very hard time with any of my family who made a habit of doing it to her. I generally think that an adult teasing a child is inappropriate, especially if it is habitual.

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