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If I could be a fly on a wall...

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If I could be a fly on any wall, I'd pick a wall in this house.  http://wildflowersandmarbles.com .  I love the booklists, I love how organized Jen is, I love the tidy look her home has.  I wish I were half as put together!


What about you??  Who would you like to watch for a day??


On a less pleasant note, anyone else having serious issues linking things??  I get stuck in link hell every time I hit the link button.  Nothing will make it go away!!

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Frankly, I am not interested in watching anybody else's homeschool.  Their kids are never, ever like my kids.  Not even close.  When I see what others do, I always end up thinking, "That would never work for my kids," and that can be discouraging.  While I am not nearly so "put together" as the woman you describe, I also have unique skills, abilities, interests and talents (not to mention a dh) that I think (I hope) make up for it.  Let us rejoice in our uniqueness and what is special about us and our family rather than always looking over the fence.    

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There's a link button??


I didn't know there was link hell either, but it sounds like maybe you need to reboot your computer or clean it out or something...


Fly on the wall.  I was trying to figure out where I'd want to be a fly on the wall, till I realized I'd rather be something other than a fly.  It certainly wouldn't be in a homeschooling situation.  Nobody else's will be identical to mine, and frankly if I've got time and energy to fly around I'm going to move on to something else with my life!  I've given homeschooling 10 years, and it will take another 11 before I'm done.  When I'm done, I'm DONE.  I'd rather be a cat in some palace that feeds well or something if I must morph.


What to watch?  I just got the first season of Pysch on the recommendation of someone with odd taste.  I have no clue if it's good or decent or anything else, but it's supposed to be funny.  We'll see.  


Balance your life back out and do something besides homeschooling. Don't let it suck your soul and morph you.  Even people who work jobs don't work them 24/7.  Better yet, take your iPhone and go through your house and take 5 pictures that make you look AWESOME, like the most killer homeschooler even, then put them on Flickr and link here.  Seriously, you know your reality, but I'm SURE with EXTREMELY little effort you could LIE through photography and SPIN those images and make those shots so guilt-trippingly cool that everyone looking would be jealous.  You should do that just to prove it to yourself.  It's a lie to look at someone's coolness they show online and think they've nailed it.  There's ALWAYS more going on.  Something is left undone.  Something is not like you assume it is.  No one does EVERYTHING.  NO ONE.  Your healthiness is to decide what will be left undone.  


I'd love to see your 5 spin shots.  It would be fun!  I never feel like I use my iPhone enough artistically.  It would be a good challenge for us.  If you do it, then you could get brave and show a pullback (the rest of the shot that shows what it's REALLY like, lol).  I'll have to try that.  :)

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Better yet, take your iPhone and go through your house and take 5 pictures that make you look AWESOME, like the most killer homeschooler even, then put them on Flickr and link here.  


I'd love to see your 5 spin shots.  It would be fun!  I never feel like I use my iPhone enough artistically.  It would be a good challenge for us.  If you do it, then you could get brave and show a pullback (the rest of the shot that shows what it's REALLY like, lol).  I'll have to try that.   :)


Now that is what this thread should be about.

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Now that is what this thread should be about.

You go girl!  Whip out your iPhone and take the 5 shots!  I think we don't see the amazingness of what we do, and we certainly don't see ourselves as others see us, for good or bad.  I think there would be something fresh about putting your own life on the screen and realizing YOU do those things too and YOU have amazingness people admire. 

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Well I think the idea of being a fly on the wall somewhere, just for fun, is a good idea for a thread. I also think the 5 flip photos is a good idea for another thread. But I don't think we need to take the OP too seriously in her desire to be a fly on the wall in someone's homeschool. If she finds inspiration there, good for her. : ). I don't know where I'd wanna be a fly on the wall. I'm gonna think about that one.

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The best superpower would be to be invisible. I would love to pop into museums after hours or sneak into mansions and look around. I guess I'm nosy like that. I have been known to check out the medicine cabinet of other people's bathrooms.


I think it'd be great to be a fly on the wall (or invisible) and go places you can't normally go.

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I also like Wildflowers and Marbles. I've taken a few ideas from there, such as little containers to make my supplies more accessible and getting fun scissors, which are a big hit with the kids.


Fly on the wall? There have been various times I'd like to be a fly on the wall of various posters' homes. The people here do so much amazing stuff but it can be difficult to convey in text and I'd love to see some of it in action. There's beauty in competence. I'm hoping some of the more experienced homeschoolers will start blogs or Youtube channels or teach classes at some point. Even if my kids were graduated by then I would sign up! 

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MtnTeaching, Sandy in Indy, kbutton, HeatherMomster.  Oh, I'm going to next week at the convention.   :D


(Well not Heather, but I've actually spent the day with her in person!)


And sorry, I was just being nutty trying to stay awake watching ds5 while everybody napped in their pie-induced stupor...

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