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Getting child to see the problem?


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I am so frustrated right now. DS has OCD. I'd rather not go into the details, but will just say that it manifests in ways that cause DS daily problems. He's been in therapy for a few years and is on medication for it. He has improved some since we first sought help, but I've seen no real improvement in a long time. I was talking to DS and I think it boils down to the fact that he still does not recognize that there is a problem. He still believes the OCD thoughts are beneficial and helpful to his life. He thinks he can keep it and control it and has no desire to quit having OCD/quit the compulsive behaviors. He admitted that he's just been nodding and smiling in the past when the therapist and I have heard him say he wants to stop, sees the problem, and that he will do xyz.


I feel like this past year has been a complete waste and future therapy will be a waste until he changes his perspective. This isn't a JAWM, but I will have a very hard time believing that he can have the life he wants if he doesn't get the OCD under control. Have any of you had success in getting someone to see a problem for what it is? Any books, videos, types of therapy? DS loves going to the therapist, but to be honest, I wonder if it doesn't feed his OCD. It gives him a chance to talk about it, and he loves to talk about it...maybe is even obsessive about it. ;)

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Paige, what you raise is the difference between OCD and OCPD  (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder.


The basic difference between OCD and OCPD ?

Is that with OCD, people are aware of it as problem.

But with OCPD, people don't see it as a problem. Rather they see other people as having a problem, with their inability to follow and maintain procedures and rules.


So that to get him to 'change his perspective'?

Is to actually change his OCPD, to OCD ?


Where given this, perhaps rather trying to get him to see it as a problem to fixed?

It could be approached from a perspective of an ability to be improved on, and further refined?



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