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I'm losing my mind! French for a unique learner


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I've been going around circles for months and now my funds are in and I need to make a decision. I have a student who, up until a few months ago, was in a second grade French Immersion class. She struggled somewhat and is not a confident or even able reader in French, though her spoken and understood french is at a decent conversational level.


At this point, I'm very interested in maintaining that spoken and understood French. Our focus has switched to English language reading and writing. I don't think it's in her best interest to continue with French phonics until her English reading is solid.


So what do I do with her? I'm in a place where I just want to open a book and glance at the page and know what to do that day. I've tried "let's talk French together while going about our day" and it just doesn't get done (I forgot to mention I'm fluent in french though not a native speaker). She's interested in learning more French, she enjoys the youtube videos I've been setting her up with, listening to the limited picture books I've read aloud to her from our library.


Any curriculum I've found has either an oral focus, but extremely simple for her or it is at an appropriate level vocabulary-wise but very reading-and-writing focused.


So, does this light any bulbs for anyone? Anyone encountered a similar situation? Suggestions or ideas? I'm going to cross post this in the bilingual board too.

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I had a friend who wanted her kids to be bilingual. So they only talked in the target language all day everyday in the home. One person I read about on here had her kids talk to her in one langauge and to Dad in the other. 


Can you find any library books of familar stories to read to her? French cpations/dubbing on favorite movies?

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You might try posting on the bilingual board as well.  Is French your first language? 


If your first language is English, then you can just be more disciplined about when is "French time"- lunch time converstaion, for example, or 2 hours each morning... whatever works for you. 


Continue with books to expand vocabulary and train the ear for good language, and watch Brain Pop francais (free!) and other videos in French. 


You might consider a tutor as well. 


I wouldn't stress too much about reading/writing, but instead just make French language time a fun experience.  Check to see which of your movies are dubbed in French, and put those on as well! 

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