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Ow, ow, ow! Please Help.

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My leg leg is in a death grip cramp for over an hour. I've been drinking electrolytes. I've had cal-mag. Dh tried to stretch my leg but I was having shooting pains down my muscles that had me crying out in pain. I have a prescription muscle relaxant but when I've taken it before it didn't seem to work (results were mixed). I don't know what to do. The cramp is all the way from my thigh down to my calf (front and back).

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OUCH!! That's a long time to have such a big cramp.


I second the idea of a warm bath, if your dh can help you get into the tub. Epsom Salts would be a plus if you have them. If you can't get in and out of the tub, perhaps a hot shower would help, or hot compresses.


Can your dh do some massage therapy?

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Twigs - I already take prescription strength potassium.


I'm filling up the bath right now. I get epsom salts in bulk so I've got plenty of that on hand.


Ds has gotten out my cane and helped do some of my good-night chores so that I didn't have to go up and down stairs.


If I'm still bad after the bath, I'll take my Robaxin. It makes me woozy and I can't walk straight but at least it might help me to get a good night's sleep.


I'm sorry I'm such a whiner.


Oh, and do you know what is ironic? This was triggered by my chiropractor who was impressed at how good my muscles were today? It really isn't his fault - all he did was to straighten out my leg but it is one of those things that can happen.

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I have heard drinking pickle juice helps. Also, drinking milk.


Dh used to get them really bad when he was taking cyclosporine. Someone told him to sleep with a bar of soap in the bed. Crazy, but it did help.

I also read about the pickle juice in an exercise book I just read. (And OT, but I find that just reading the exercise books without actually following through and doing the exercises will help prevent leg cramps, that way you don't actually have to drink a jar of pickle juice.)

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Jean, I worried about all night long.


How are you today?


Thank you. I am fine. The worst of the cramp is gone. My muscles are such that they are never totally cramp free but it is back to "normal" levels. I will be on a water/electrolyte drinking binge today. It has actually hit summer weather here and my body isn't used to it.

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I was worried, too. It sounded like how my leg felt when I had a DVT (blood clot). I came here looking to see if you were posting today. I'm so glad you're doing better.



Thanks, Luann. I know it isn't a blood clot. I'm always one step away from muscle cramps so in one sense the problem is a usual one for me. But the intensity of it was way more than usual.

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