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DS's EEG was normal!

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Yippee! I'm relieved. (We were ruling out absence seizures.)


Tomorrow, though, we'll be meeting with the director of the learning disability center, to get more info about having ds get therapy there for his language disorder. He really needs help!


The problem is the cost of the therapy! I am going to call my insurance company, but I'm not expecting that this will be covered.



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I do not think half-an-hour would be enough to tell - what if he just didn't have an absence seizure during that time?


I am not trying to be a kill-joy - just had my kid have two hour-long EEGs during his days of staring spells....it took a 16-hour EEG (done with portable equipment we were allowed to take home) to uncover the abnormal, treatable activity. We wasted two years before the third neuro we took ds to though to do the overnight EEG. Two years of being told "of course he stares - he has autism" and of ds blanking out a few times an hour. Two years of lost learning time we can not get back.


WHY was the EEG only 30 minutes???????? If the symptoms are still there....


keep close to your kid. When he appears to blank or zone out - move quickly as if you were going to touch his eyeball (don't actually touch it, of course!!!) and get as close to it as you can. If he twitches or acts defensively - then it was not an absence seizure. If he doesn't even blink - it IS a seizure. This is the trick I heard from both a neuro AND a speech therapist (who worked with lots of special needs kids, sitting close to them for an hour at a time. She was the first to note that our son might be having the seizures!!!)

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