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Why Supplement MUS with LOF?


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In doing some research on MUS, and if it would be a good fit for our situation, I noticed that quite a few people mentioned using LOF to supplement MUS. I'd like to know more (for those who do this), about why you felt LOF was a good supplement to MUS? And why you would need to supplement it? Thanks so much! :)

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I don't supp with LOF, but may consider it in future. I supp with a bit of Singapore. Why? Because MUS isn't big on making them really think things through. The word problems are on the easy side and there aren't very many of them. Word problems are real life, and thus, pretty important. If you feel like just MUS is enough, great! I have one kid who will not be a mathematician, so I'm kind of on that side of it for her. But her sister IS very 'mathy' and so I like to supplement her a bit to challenge her.

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I love MUS, but the one real downside I see in the program is...hmm how do I put this? What MUS teaches, it teaches very well, but it teaches you how to solve the problem their way, and presents it their way. Does that make any sense at all? I worry that the knowledge won't transfer to real life situations. And MUS is not known for great word problems. LOF is all word problems and real life situations.

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Okay, thanks! :) That helps clear up why people choose to use LOF with MUS. I know some feel that MUS is enough on it's own, and others feel it needs a bit more. It's good to know that these two programs can work well together! :)


With LOF, would you try to work through one book per year? How do you schedule that with MUS if you do? Couple lessons per week? Just go at the child's pace?


Thanks again!

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I'm doing MUS 4 days a week and LOF on Fridays, which is our "light" "fun" day (science experiments, field trips, ect). I go at the child's pace, and try to start Fred after ideas have already been introduced in MUS (though I can't be perfect).

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