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Need gift rec's for 5yo boy


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My ds's 5th birthday is coming up next month, and I don't know what to get him. He is a very stereotypical boy in a lot of ways--loves sports, machines, Star Wars, guns, knights in shining armor, etc. But no one else in the family is like that (not dh, not my dad, not fil), so it is very hard to buy for him. The only thing I can think of is a racetrack, hot wheels or something. Can you help me brainstorm ideas?



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DS started really getting into Rube Goldberg machines at that age. Marble runs, domino runs, etc were played with daily. We have a ton of different sets, but if we were to do it over, I'd buy all Haba ball track components - there are so many, and you can add on and on and on. They are beautiful, well made, and will last forever. :)


DS is 9, and still loves Rube Goldberg machines.


Playmobil is big here, too. A castle set with knights would have been good at that age.


Nerf guns? (I'm not much help there, I don't have a gun boy.) What about some outdoor toys - sports toys?

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My 5 year old LOVES Legos and Playmobil. I think the Legos are a bigger hit though and have been played with daily since Christmas.


They also got a Hotwheel set for Christmas. My husband insisted on the straight flat tracks (versus race track) that can be rearranged and hung from tables and higher objects. It was inexpensive and found it at Target.

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