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I know I'm overstepping...but


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MIL sent me an e-mail...telling me what I need to do. In it, she says, "I know I'm overstepping, but...." And yeah, she's overstepping. Apparently, it's okay to overstep when you know you're doing it. :thumbdown:



"thank you so much for acknowledging that this is overstepping. I know a lot of mother-in-law are oblivious to when they are meddling, and I am glad you recognize when you are doing it."

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MIL sent me an e-mail...telling me what I need to do. In it, she says, "I know I'm overstepping, but...." And yeah, she's overstepping. Apparently, it's okay to overstep when you know you're doing it. :thumbdown:


It's just like say, "No offense, but _______" --it's the supposedly polite way to say something offensive.


Depending on what kind of relationship you have and what the consequences will be, call her out on it!

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I think this requires a "I know I am being rude, but, stuff it."


It's okay to reply with this because you SAID you were being rude! :laugh:


Or an "I don't mean to be rude," (oh, you KNOW you totally do) "but, yeah -- bless your heart -- you ARE overstepping."

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MIL sent me an e-mail...telling me what I need to do. In it, she says, "I know I'm overstepping, but...." And yeah, she's overstepping. Apparently, it's okay to overstep when you know you're doing it. :thumbdown:



Well, at least she admits it! Unlike some people (mil) who don't think they are doing/saying anything wrong and get uber defensive if you even look at them like they did/said anything wrong and then go on to tell everyone she knows how she isn't allowed to even call anymore, etc.

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Is it good advice? I mean, if it is, I'd take it even if it is overstepping for her to have given it to you. If not, I'd just ignore it.



No...not advice, but just feeling the need to tell me I need to confess and repent (things are tight financially, I've been looking for a paying job, dh and I made some decisions based upon the information we *knew* at the time, and well, there was some information that we had *assumed* was correct that wasn't...but whatever, we aren't running around blaming, complaining, and pouting, just doing what we need to to make it right). It's one of those..."Umm, you might want to get the log out of your own eyes, first" kind of things.


I believe God uses all things for His glory, even my failings. He uses my failings to enable me to help others avoid the same troubles when I can. He uses them to help us guide our children to making better decisions than we did. God has also provided at the very moment of our greatest need this past year. Some might argue some of the provision was simply coincidence, but considering we didn't know it was coming and weren't expecting it, I see God's hand in it.


I have an interview on Monday (for a job I'll probably get, but it's not the job I want). If the job is offered (and it probably will be), I'll take it. If the job I want (that I've also applied for) is given to me, well...so much the better.

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Well, at least she admits it! Unlike some people (mil) who don't think they are doing/saying anything wrong and get uber defensive if you even look at them like they did/said anything wrong and then go on to tell everyone she knows how she isn't allowed to even call anymore, etc.


I have to admit, her admission of the overstepping was a first in the past 15 years, prior to this she would simply overstep and wonder why *anyone* could possibly be upset.

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