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Books by Joy Hakim?? The Story of Science


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I am having trouble deciding on curiculum for our next school year.:confused: Has anyone used the books by Joy Hakim for either history or science? I think I am mostly looking for review of the science books, but history reviews would be fine too. How do you use these books, and do you consider them more like a textbook or more like living books?



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I like them, but I will say that they are from a somewhat liberal stance. If you get the Sonlight IG for Core 100, then you will have a balanced perspective using these books.


They are engaging, short enough to keep them interested, and colorful (the new editions). They are living books. TOG and Sonlight both use them as a "spine" text. Maybe check them out at the library to see for yourself?:)


I haven't seen the science books though, sorry.

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I used the original version of A History of US and more recently I've used the new concise version. I *highly* recommend, if you're going to use A History of US that you use the concise version. It eliminates, to a great degree, the wandering quality of the original version. It also is much easier on the eyes, with larger type and better illustrations.


As for The Story of Science, it's interesting, but one of my problems with it is that it focuses on physical science and excludes biology.


Both the history and the science books are living books and not textbook-y at all.

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I have used History of US with each of my kids as a spine for US history, and I love those books, but my children do not care much for them.


My youngest dd feels that they are hard to outline from, and I do see that they are a bit difficult to outline, but not as hard as she thinks they are.


My oldest dd used them with Sonlight and there were questions in the IG for them that she didn't like.


I used them for high school credit with my ds for NARHS and he had to take the tests from the test book that goes with them. He did not care for the multiple choice questions in the book, and sadly I did not think much of them myself.


I do not recommend using them as a spine, but as a fun supplement, based on my own experience.

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I am having trouble deciding on curiculum for our next school year.:confused: Has anyone used the books by Joy Hakim for either history or science? I think I am mostly looking for review of the science books, but history reviews would be fine too. How do you use these books, and do you consider them more like a textbook or more like living books?




Have Aristotle book for science, and think it is excellent. Will get the rest of the series. Plan to use some of the US history next year.


I don't get the "living books" term.

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We have the complete set of science books and use them in conjunction with our history studies. We like them. If you read them to yourself the sidebars and extras would be OK but it makes them awkward to read out loud and discuss. We do have and use the Quest Guides, but they are very public school-y and group project oriented. Some activities we skipped. We use Thames and Kosmos Milestones in Science for activities. The books are definitely "living books" type and not at all textbooks or experiment books and they are interesting and, we think, pretty well written.


We also have and use the history books. They are just OK. Not terrible but we just use them as supplements and don't read the entire set from cover to cover.

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