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Length of time reading books - AGAIN

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Sorry to bring back my same question again. I'm still unsure and really do not want to go the route of some books one way and some books the other.


Have you found interest and retention better when you read a book intensely over three to six weeks discussing as you go along and maybe writing about it in the end OR reading a book over an entire year (CM style) giving the book more time to sink in and extending discussion time. This would obviously require reading more books at once.



Is anyone aware of any current research or thought on the matter. SWB seems to support the one book at a time over three weeks or so. Can anyone recommend any good articles or books on the subject?

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I can tell you my preference, but know of no research to support any kind of reading.

I'd hate reading over a year. I live my books. I need to get fully immersed in them, not read in little snippets. Now, some books do require a slower approach--there are theological books that I really take my time with (Celebration of Discipline is one)--but not fiction.

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One year spent on one book would be too much for me. I can see how spending a year over 4-5 good books for really in-depth analysis could be beneficial. But, in general, I think for me, personally, about one book every 3-4 weeks would be good.


FWIW, we used Omnibus and I really like Omnibus for many, many things, but sometimes I wish Omnibus would slow down the pace a bit! I think there are some books that they tackle that merit more time and study. However, as homeschoolers we do have a lot of freedom to "tweak" programs as needed.

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I had always preferred the "read over three weeks" version, but I am trying for the first time the CM way and I am really enjoying it. But we are not spending a whole year on anything yet- but certainly reading about 10 books over a 10 week term. It actually means we are reading more than before, because I couldn't make my kids read 90 minutes a day of a book they don't enjoy so much- like Augustus Caesar's World- but its easy to make them read it over 20 weeks. We are getting a LOT more reading done now.

We also read LOTR over a year with the literature program and that worked beautifully to spread it over that long. We felt really immersed in it.

I am sure there will still be many books we will read in shorter timeframe, but I am surprised myself how well the CM way is working for us.

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I think the method you use depends on the person. I prefer 1 book at a time, so that I can immerse myself in it. But I have found that my kids, especially the oldest, have become very good at skimming. My oldest never takes her time to read. For this reason I have decided that we are switching to AO with books being spread over 12 weeks. This will also allow me to keep up with her. :) I can make sure she really reads it and know the details.


I've been watching Teaching the Classics, and I plan to apply it to our Literature books this year.



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