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Kazdin Method

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I'd like to hear from people who have been implementing the Kazdin type of discipline and points chart. I started with the points chart last week and it was going pretty well but I don't think it is working right. The kids are very excited and want points for more things than I have on the chart. I thought we should start small with easy concrete behaviors but I'm wondering if I should switch it to broader types of behaviors so they can get more points and we can focus on rewarding the behaviors that are truly important.


What we have now, for example, is stuff like getting ready in the morning by getting dressed, brushing teeth and hair, and eating breakfast before it is time to start school. I do care about those behaviors and it has been an issue which is why I picked it, but I'd like to reward good attitudes, following directions, showing initiative with chores. What do you all think? Should I force myself to start slowly and concretely with the points and rewards or would it be just as good to expand and broaden the terms of what they get points for? My kids are not particularly defiant or behavior problems and are generally eager to please and they love the rewards and points. Still- they have poor memories or something because they still forget to brush their teeth or eat many, if not most days.


Also, I'm finding it so hard to avoid punishment. With the things they get points for, it is easy to just correct them, tell them no points this time, and move on, but for other non-points things I feel just ignoring something is not an option. My DS, for instance spent his school time taking apart his sisters' special pens and lost pieces and is unable to put them back together. It wasn't malicious but just thoughtless. I don't have any points to withhold for that, but something should be done, right? Ignoring is not an appropriate choice for this. I suspended him from school and he is in his room reading for the rest of the day. I feel like it is punitive. WWKD? (What Would Kazdin Do??) I did read the book but I didn't see much about how to deal with issues that aren't being addressed by the points chart.

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