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Occasional letter/number reversals at 2nd grade?

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My ds (7 ) still has the occasional letter/number reversal. Should I be concerned? He reads well and does math well. The only thing that is out of the ordinary is that he finds a lot of difficulty in copywork -- he will skip words or leave out letters. It is a very slow process for him. He is much better at dictation. I can see him concentrating when he makes a lower case b or d -- he has to think it out. What may be wrong here?

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I do think it is perfectly normal and it just takes a while. My oldest finally outgrew it (I can't remember what age-sorry) but my ds who is 8 still has some trouble w/ b and d. My 6 yo dd still reverses some letters and numbers when she is writing. I'm sure they will all outgrow it, it is just takes time. It can be perplexing as the teacher to see them do this when you've gone over it and over it and over it.


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My two children have been different. My dd did a few reversals until about 7 1/2 and my son has done lots and still does at 9 1/2. I recently had his vision (not eyesight) checked by a developmental optometrist and he has tracking and convergence problems.


I've also been visiting http://www.diannecraft.org and have ordered some of her material. She has a very simple exercise to strengthen the crossover between left and right brain which is what controls letter reversals, among other things. I just started the exercises so I can't report success yet, but I wish I had known about this 2 years ago.

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