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Recommendations for teaching root words, prefixes, suffixes, etc...please.


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For grades 2-5, we used pages from Mary Pecci's giant workbook "Super Seatwork: Word Skills". The pages are short, and it has a fun "homemade" feel that our DSs enjoyed. Word Skills has 238 pages, and includes sections on prefixes, suffixes, and endings; syllables; alphabetizing; plurals; contractions; possessives; and more. Also available here.



BEST of luck in finding what works best for your family! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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Oops! I just now see your second post that you are not looking for early elementary language arts support, but are looking for something for gr. 4-6 -- AND probably more about learning Greek/Latin roots and prefixes. For that, we used English From the Roots Up.


We used just the book (there is also a set of flashcards), and we made it a sort of "brain warm up" game in the morning. We'd cover up the definition and list of words using that root, and try to come up with words that had that root in it. From that we would try to guess what the root meant (ex: "photo" -- we'd come up with telephoto, photograph, photon, etc. -- "Oh look, those words have to do with cameras or light; cameras need light; maybe it means light!") Then we'd read the definition, the list of words using that root, and the explanation about the root. If we came up with words not in the book's list, we'd look them up in the dictionary; if they did come from that root, we'd add them to the list!


There are two volumes with each containing 100 roots. We did 2 roots a day, 2 days a week, so we completed a book in 25 weeks, leaving us the rest of the year for review and practice.


Also look at the game "Rummy Roots" and "More Rummy Roots"; these contain both roots and prefixes. You could play them as games, or use the roots in a similar way as EftRU. BEST of luck in finding what works for your family! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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I bought Dynamic Literacy's WordBuild just for this purpose. The first two books (Foundations) teach prefixes and suffixes. The next three books (Elements) teach Greek and Latin word roots. They would be the right grade levels for your kids--the website has a lot of more info on grade levels and placement. I think the older kids may start right into the Elements books which include a review on the prefixes and suffixes. It is mostly workbook exercises, but a little parent teaching is supposed to be done.



We haven't started it yet, but it looks good in theory!

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For free, there is Swan's Spelling book:




The Greek and Latin roots and affixes are towards the end of the book.


Marcia Henry's words combines spelling with root study, it's not as good as a program just designed to work on roots and prefixes, but if you want to combine spelling and root study, it's the best resource to do both at once:




The samples are from the beginning, it gets more difficult.

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