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Kindergarten Teacher's Treatment of Asperger's Student

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That makes me so mad!!!!


I pulled my youngest daughter out of Kindergarten because of the way she was treated, not only by the other students but by the teachers as well.


(She also has autism)


For instance...My daughter isn't potty trained and she had a messy pull up. The teacher took my daughter and locked her in the bathroom for 30 minutes before calling in the nurse to change the pull up because "changing pull ups isn't in my job description".


Then they removed her from her mainstream Kindergarten class due to "behavior issues" and they told me that she could no longer attend.


After fighting with the county's school system, and having countless IEP meetings, and even consulting a lawyer, we decided that she'd be better off at home and pulled her out.


This one particular elementary school had 5 special needs children start Kindergarten this year. Only 1 is left. The others have either moved to another school district or they're homeschooling.


That speaks volumes to me!

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Sick! We had an incident with a kndy teacher and principal when my oldest was in kindy(actually there was several) that should have made me pull my son immediately but I left him there thinking it was the right place to be until things got worse. Anyway, in front of my then 5 year old son, who had undiagnosed disabilities, said he will never succeed in life, the best you can hope for is to make him literate and leave him be. NOw of course he didn't fully understand the words but he understood their meaning just fine. I ended up pulling him half way through the year


I did put him in a different school for grade 1 and while it was a regular class the teacher was a former special needs teacher and a pure angel, she worked so hard all year with him on his social skills (it has been suspected he has pdd-nos but that is not confirmed) etc, even though we were none residents she helped us put together an IEP, she was just a gem, however his grade 2 teacher was worse than the kids in insulting him and putting him down, refused to let him have an IEP even though he needed one, told him and I ADHD was not a real disorder that he was just lazy. By the end of 2nd grade, he was talking about suicide because he was too stupid to do anything right (thanks to a teacher telling him this often which I was not aware of until the end of the year). I had enough and have been homeschooling him ever since. I still feel guilty for putting him through all that, because 2 years later we are still trying to over come the damage done, his self esteem while improving is still very low. At that age if they go to ps they think teacher is a God, everything teacher says in right everything mom says is wrong, so it didn't matter how many times I told him how wonderful he was, teacher said he was stupid and lazy so that was right. It tears me up inside to see how teachers can treat their students without repercussions. Yes there is awesome teachers, we had one, but it only takes 1 bad one to damage a child forever (I still have nightmares at times about the bad teachers I had growing up).

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Yes, I agree that the teacher should be fired! There's no way she should treat a special needs child that way---let alone any child, for that matter! What was she thinking of?


I have a friend who was an undiagnosed dyslexic for years before she finally found out why she had so much trouble reading. She was forced to go to summer school in between 1st and 2nd grade for remedial reading. The teacher yelled at her in front of the entire class and told her how stupid she was. She said she didn't open another book until out of high school unless absolutely necessary for study! Fortunately, she was finally able to get past that, get a diagnosis, and learn how to teach herself. She now has her PhD in chemistry!


So, there can be happy endings, but an incident like that could scar a child for life.

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