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9yo boy, something like a narration, unedited


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This was in response to me asking him to tell me about plate tectonics. It is exactly as he typed it (except he indented the paragraphs and I made spaces between them instead because the indents don't show up).


Plate Tectonics



Plate tectonics is the study of the movements of the plates on earth, not out in space somewhere. Because it is on earth, scientists are able to study it easier.


There are many plates on earth, and you would think that we would be on the North American plate, but [the Puget Sound]* is between the North American plate and the Juan de Fuca plate. The North American plate does not take up half of the Pacific, but the Pacific has its own plate. If you hope that Europe and Asia are going to split apart, keep dreaming sonny, because they share their own continent.


Alfred Wegner was the genius that thought about if the continents move or not. Wegner thought that the continents did move, but other scientists disagreed. They thought that the continents stayed the same earth’s whole life. But they were wrong.


Other scientists proved that Wegner was right. For example, one type of dinosaur was found on one continent, and the same type was found on another. That indicated that Pangaea, a super continent, existed when the dinosaurs were alive. That way any dino can walk anywhere on land! In addition, sea floor spreading, with its alternating stripes of magnetized iron, also indicated that Pangaea existed. Without plate tectonics, where would we be now?


*He gave the name of our town here

Edited by EKS
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