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IEW SWI A Unit 3 (Story Sequence) writing sample


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I'm reposting this from the original thread


Male, Age: 11.5 Grade: 6 First assignment from the story sequence unit. This is the final draft after all corrections have been made and he was allowed to type all but the outline and first rough draft.





The Owl That Cried Crow





Once on a very cloudy day, in a lush birch tree there was a young owl named Patch who was bored. His father had told him to yell crow whenever he spotted a crow, but he never saw one. He was really tired of no exitement, so he screeched “crow!†and the parliament jetted to him. Patch was ecstatic, but the parliament was furious because there was no crow as far as their eyes could see.





The elder owl scolded Patch, then his father warned him . “Son,†his Da said, “ you should be very careful.†After four days Patch yearned for excitement and was lonely so he screamed crow. The parliament heard Patch's screams and rocketed to the birch tree. They discovered that there was no crow for miles around. They glared at Patch who was thrilled but the parliament was furious that they had been tricked again.




After Patch was scolded, the parliament went home. After 3 days Patch felt overwhelmed, and shouted crow again. The parliament found no crow anywhere in sight, they snapped at Patch to never trick them again. Patch kept watching the sky and suddenly he saw a crow coming at him. He shrieked crow! The parliament heard his cries but did not fly to Patch because they were convinced it was another trick. Patch kept screeching at the top of his lungs, “Crow!, cro...†When the parliament heard Patch's last muffled screech they raced to where the noise came from. They found Patch huddled in a bush with lots of missing feathers and a terribly injured wing. When Patch's injuries had finally healed he apologized to the parliament for his careless behavior. Patch had learned that by if you keep tricking others with your lies, help may not come when you need it most.


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