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LFC A or First Form Latin?


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Dd has done Lively Latin. She really liked it & retained the vocabulary very well, but the grammar didn't stick. I am trying to decide what, if anything, to do for Latin this coming year.


We could just do some vocab memorization & chanting endings, etc. I don't have a problem with this except that I'm not sure it will actually get done. I do already have Minimus & Latin Book One so I could add in reading practice to give dd a fuller experience.


We could do either LFC or First Form Latin, but I can't decide which one looks better.


I don't like that FF has only ecclesiastical pronunciation, but I don't know that it really matters much. I also can't figure out what is on the cd. Does it have chants or just vocab? With FF I'd probably add in a chapter of Famous Men of Rome each week since FF doesn't cover history.


If we did LFC I'd have ds listen to the cd & memorize the chants on it before beginning the workbook his 4th grade year. However, my impression is that the foundation built in LFC is not quite as solid as that built in FF.


At this point, I can't decide if it would be productive to do Latin right now or if it would be better to just wait & start Wheelock in about 7th grade & move as whatever pace works for my child.


Any opinions?

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I haven't used either, but did you know that you are comparing programs that were written for different levels? Latin Alive would be the LFC counterpart to First Form Latin. Both are written for middle school age. LFC is written to younger students.


My oldest did LL in 5th & 6th, is doing Minimus (both levels) for fun now, and will start Latin Alive some time during her 7th grade year. It was hard to choose between LA and FFL. I was more drawn to FFL, but my dd didn't like the videos and HATED the ecclesiastical pronunciation. With LA the teacher's manual doesn't have the best reputation, but it sounds like a lot of people don't use them. I figure in my dd has any problems I will have her re-watch the video and then post on the yahoo group with any further questions. I don't have the time to keep up with her anymore.



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Thanks Heather! I was thinking that LFC would work for both of my kids, but you're right, dd would probably end up bored with it. I guess I'll either go with FF or with the mom-made Latin. I need to decide if the benefits for grammar will be enough to justify a whole program...

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Thanks Heather! I was thinking that LFC would work for both of my kids, but you're right, dd would probably end up bored with it. I guess I'll either go with FF or with the mom-made Latin. I need to decide if the benefits for grammar will be enough to justify a whole program...


I have heard that FF is really clear and easy to understand, if you are willing to go slow you might just be able to bring your younger along. I know people who allowed their kids to use it independently for 6th grade, because I asked. :D It must be well written to do that.



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If you are finding the grammar is not sticking, try working your way through the audio visual lessons of the Cursum Latinum - an all Latin course that is free, and starts from zero, but is taught totally in Latin.

It is not as hard as it sounds, and even a young child can make progress using a course like this.


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