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One Year Adventure Novel

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Has anybody used this?


I'm looking at getting it for my dd (7th grade). We may want to use it in our newly forming co-op, but we are undecided at this point. The whole "license" to use the program is bugging me a bit.


Any feedback would be appreciated. I would not be too happy to drop $200 on a product and then find out it isn't that great!

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I can only give you a limited opinion because we have not used the entire program. BUT, what we have used has been wonderful! The videos are very interesting. He explains things about stories that I never thought about before, but are obvious, once explained. The only reason we have not gotten very far is that the teacher wants the student to make some decisions about what the setting of their story will be, details about the main character, supporting characters, etc. All of these decisions are thoroughly explained and supported. But my son, who has trouble with decisions, got a bit stuck. We do plan on finishing it, and I'm going to use it with another child. So.......I think it's fantastic (as far as we got). :001_smile:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone been using this? I'm thinking of using it for myself. I don't think I'm ready to commit to writing a complete novel right NOW. How would this curriculum work in a more passive approach as mostly literature analysis for a future writer? Can the lessons be tweaked into stand alone lessons, journaling prompts, and short stories?

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Guest Memkepr

The author of the curriculum lives in our city and actually teaches the class at a local homeschool academy. I talked to him at our homeschool conference last spring, and he received his creative writing degree at the same university where I received my creative writing degree! Of course I enjoyed chatting about the professors we both had, but I was really interested in his talking about the things that he wished he had learned about plot, story line, etc. that he didn't learn while earning his degree. As a fellow creative writing major, I completely agreed with him.


My 14yo DS is taking his class this year (the first class was yesterday), and so far he is enjoying it. He actually did the homework today on his own without being reminded!


My DS also read the two books that the author has had published. He wants the read the third in the series when it comes out soon.


So, I don't have a BTDT for the curriculum, but I do like the looks of it enough to sign my son up for the class.



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So, I don't have a BTDT for the curriculum, but I do like the looks of it enough to sign my son up for the class.






You won't regret it! My ds16 just completed this. He submitted his novel in the competition and he has already begun his next novel. He also has begged me to order the newest addition to OYAN which I believe is a unit on sci-fi and fantasy. He plans to begin that as soon as I have a few extra $$'s to order it.


Mr. S really is the best!!:D

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