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To experienced horizons, singapore users

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We used both Horizons and Singapore last year, taking out any work not needed. This year the girls will attend a university model school 2 days a week using Abeka math (they want competitive sports without community select programs). I plan to supplement at home. Which should I choose - the Horizons or Singapore? I have a word challenge book for Singapore. By the way, this is for grade four. I will supplement with Chalkdust for my older daughter. I'm not worried about basic math calculations, but I would like to keep my fourth grader progressing in pre-algebra and geometry concepts.

Thanks guys for answering a question for the younger grades - I think you can see a bigger picture than someone with children still in elementary and junior high.

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I've never used Abeka but always thought it was taught and laid out similar to Horizons in format. If you want to supplement, Singapore gets kids thinking in a different way, which I feel would be more of a benefit than Horizons. If you are just looking for extra practice, Horizons would be easier to plug into what they are learning with Abeka.


I've never used them both at the same time--I used Singapore K-6 with my oldest and Horizons 1-5 with my middle child. I prefer Singapore, but my middle child's learning style would have made it difficult. But if I had to choose one as a supplement, I'd pick Singapore hands down.

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