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Need help with school situation for special ed and LRE ~

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I'm not homeschooling this one but am seeking help anyway ~


!2 year old son with Down Syndrome, moderate to mild mental retardation.


He is in 5th grade this year at our local middle school, spends most of the day in LifeSKills with 1 hour out to "related arts" (art/health/pe,writing) and 1 hour to resource (a group class)


So, he has been resisting the related arts classes and an IEP modification is required to allow him to drop that with the typical developing kids. I'm fine with that. But, since he will lose that Related ARts period, they want him to do it with the LifeSkills class, which, happens to fall during his one hour of resource. So, since related arts is required (supposedly), he will no longer be able to attend his reading/spelling class in resource daily, thus putting him in LS fulltime.


I suggested that the LS related arts cycle, he already had, so therefore, missing it would be fine. AND that the value of that hour is much better spent in reading/spelling to meet his goals, than that time being spent in related arts.


SO, the upshot from the teacher a few minutes ago, via email ~ she wants a face to face meeting, because obviously I don't understand that related arts is required for all students. And that if he is going to attend her resource class, he has to comply with all behavior and instructions.

This is from the resource teacher by the way, that oversees his IEP.


The special ed teacher tells me he doing GREAT in resource, though on occasion, maybe once a month or so, he doesn't want to go (usually on the day of a hard spelling test) and that I need to fight this battle to keep him in there.


My question ~ she stated that if he was going to participate in a class of typical developing students (her resource class is all just slow learners, no MR), that he has to comply with the system of work and behavior. My only comment to her, until I get more info, is that I thought a child on an IEP has mods to behavior and work written in FOR the purpose of working toward their goals, regardless of the setting (resource of LifeSkills). And that isn'tthe system there to serve the child, and not the child the system?


Help ~ I'm getting emotional and HATE these battles. I've been to all kinds of classes over the years for advocacy, rights, etc....but I'm helpless when it comes to my own son's situation.


We're scheduling a meeting for next week ~ I need some clear ideas of what is reasonable to expect for LRE and from the school.


TIA, Debbie

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to fit the child, not to fit the child to the school. If the IEP states he needs and hour daily of resource - then he gets it. If it happens to be the same hour as the LS related arts stuff - and the school won't let him skip the typing/etc stuff - then the school has to either reschedule his resource time or the LS related arts stuff.


Anyway, odds are you are already familiar with Wrightslaw, but in case you are not : http://www.wrightslaw.com/

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