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If you are still up, could you say a little prayer

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(or chant, or ask the universe or whatever it is you do) for me to have some peace and be able to sleep tonight. Something happened last night that freaked both my Dude and me out a bit, and Dude is out of town tonight. I am so exhausted, but feeling nervous and sorta scared to go to bed. Our room is in what used to be the attic of our farmhouse, and the kids are on the ground floor. I have done my best to be okay with this, but right now, I feel kinda panicky.

Thanks, guys. I am going to try to go to bed now. Wish me luck.

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You're in my thoughts, sweetie!


Here, for future reference, are a few herbal remedies for insomnia:


Hops - usually taken as an infusion, as you would drink a hot cup of tea. (**Do not take this if you might be pregnant**)


Skullcap tincture - commercial tinctures vary in potency... I'd try 5 drops.


Motherwort tincture is *amazing* and helps with tension as well as insomina... *however* more than 4 doses a day for several weeks can be habit forming, so do not use it to excess. Again, I'd try 5 drops.


A gentler remedy, more soothing than soporific, is chamomile tea.


Thanks! I am going to look for some of these!! I haven't even heard of a could of them- I had tried valerian root in the past, but seemed to be allergic to it. Thanks for the suggestions.


Sleep finally came, but it was wrought with weird dreams, and I woke up to every little noise the cats made.


Pixelroper- Are you in Washington?


NatalieClaire- Thanks for the prayer. I rhymed!


Thanks for the thoughts last night, it helped. You guys always do.

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