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traveling activities

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Twice a year we take long car trips (7 hours x4 )...we have a DVD player, but refuse to let the kids sit and veg in front of it for 7 hours...I have in the past spent lots of money buying each kid (3 of them) about 10 $1-$2 things...actually mostly junk, in hind sight...so I have decided I would rather spend the same amount of money $60...on several better items that will not only keep them happy in the car, but also will last longer than the junk that was trashed upon arriving home (if not before)...but I am looking for some great ideas....the ages and gender of my kids: DD 9, DS 8 and 5. SO if you have any fabulous ideas that would be awesome!!!!


Oh, we are traveling in mid-Feb.



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We have these for long car trips: http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=61 . They work well just lying them across your lap for older kids, so its not just for carseats. This way, kids can actually do something in their lap.


I would love to get some sort of "conversation starter" type thing. Actually, I'd love to have one for both the dinner table and long car trips as well. Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Table-Topics-Conversation-Cards-Family/dp/B000FFET52/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1263944943&sr=8-7


These would be awesome to have!!!! Pretty cheap too! They are sold per card, so you have to decide how many cards you like and which type. I'd like to have several of each type! http://www.amazon.com/Regal-Travel-Auto-Bingo-Game/dp/B000FPCWYC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1263944988&sr=8-1


New chapter book for each child to read while traveling.


That's all I can think of for now. :D

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we've really enjoyed story cds on our long journeys. Swiss Family Robinson is 10 hours, The Hobbit is 11.25 hours. Even if you don't listen to the story the whole journey, you have time to hear it during the journey there & the return journey. Sometimes libraries have a good selection of story cds.


Also, paint with water books are fun at that age. Wet some Q-tips & put in a snacksize ziploc bag to keep damp. These are great mini paintbrushes.




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Okay, I thought of a few more LOL.


I Spy books are great!! Those are great for traveling.


Make an "I Spy" jar......http://www.momtriedit.net/2009/11/i-spy-jar.html . They actually sell these for like $25 or $30, but this would be cheaper to make!



I think these are great too...so I actually bought one of those $20 ones for Christmas last year and I was the one playing with it...not my kids...sometimes they are SOOO frustrating...just when you think you the perfect thing....

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The think that went over best on our last long car trip was actually a bag of colored pipe cleaners, it was $1 at Wal-Mart, I should have bought at least 5! (It was divided in half, and they made little creatures, a heart for me, etc. It lasted an hour, but they would have lasted more if there had been another box to dole out an hour later.) I bought a bunch of small things that I doled out every few hours or so each day.

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We did a 10-day cross-country move a few months back and I had a bunch of travel activities for my 8 yr old dd. Here are some of the things:


-workbooks on the states we were passing through. Got these from Rainbow Resource & Amazon


-magnetic playsets for American girl and a state one


-Travel bingo - purchased from Amazon, I think


-I made little cards for a fun game - I wrote on them things like "Find a bird in a field", "Find someone riding a bicycle" and other silly little things. She had a fun time looking for these as we drove


-Travel Trouble (board game)


EDIT - Rubik's Cube was a big hit, too! And maze books. She loved doing mazes.


That's all I can remember right now. I'll edit if I think of more.

Edited by prim*rose
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