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Does anyone have recommendations for learning Html?

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I'm personally very computer illiterate but dh had ds use the free Scratch program put out by MIT. Once he finished that, dh told him to work on Alice, which is a free program from Carnegie Mellon. Given your daughter's age, Alice would probably be more appropriate. We did wind up buying the book that goes with Alice because it was more complicated and ds is only 12 and needed the extra help from the book. He's still working on it.


Just do a search on Alice and Carnegie Mellon.


I hope this is what you are looking for. Again, I am not very sure what html is........



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HTML is a markup language, not a computer language (ok, it's on the computer, but they really are different beasts).


HTML in itself is trivial to learn.


should be enough.


She can follow the links there to learn about more advanced topics in web design, including this one



And she can ask me for help too.

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Eventually the two can merge of course...


The college where I used to teach web development (sigh -- that part of the department was dropped at my campus as of January) used this:




Along with various free web resources.


And I like this for Alice to learn programming:




There are a lot of good web resources on Alice too.

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My cousin who is very 'in' the computer programming field (has helped start up several companies) suggested learning html before a computer programming language because it uses the same type of logic. His suggestion was than to add java and than he suggested several programs after that. I am a computer programmer (out of the field for about 20 years!) and have really seen how this works with my son. When he does a page in html he can immediately see if his 'program' works or not.


We have used a book called "Creating Web Pages with HTML - Simplified." It is very picture oriented and has been very easy for him to work through. I assign the pages and he prints off the screen every day for me to double check that he got it all right. He really enjoys it and it has really taught him a lot. The end of the book has some Java and than we'll add a book on Java after that.

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Thank you very much. You ladies obviously know way more than I do about computers! I will go over these recommendations. She will obviously be pretty much on her own, but she is motivated.


Thanks for the link about web design, CleoQc, I know she is interested in that also. Thanks for the offer to help :-)



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