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MS/HS - writing/grammar - how much?

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My dd is 10 and is working above grade level. She can write very well when she wants to, but I have only moderately worked with her on a formal writing program. She writes great book reports and her creative writing really improved when she took a writing summer camp last year. Getting her to write for school assignments is like pulling teeth. She dislikes being told what to write about. I have not really taught her the different types of paragraphs and essays in depth.


She grasps material quickly and so I am currently not considering IEW. She has her own voice and style and I don't want to make her write in the style of someone else. Writing Strands didn't work well for us either. She doesn't do well with being told what to put and how much to put in a sentence.


I purchased Jensen's format writing for this school year, and have really only used it as a reference to explain things to her. She also received a computer writing program for christmas caller the Writer's companion which is great because it has helped her to focus her thoughts on main ideas and supporting details.


My question is should I be doing a more indepth formal writing curriculum and if so what? Jensen's is good, but not nearly as in depth as some other programs. I don't want busy work and I don't want to spend a year on how to write a sentence. She gets that already. Should I stick with Jensen's and go through is lesson by lesson or should we try something else?


Also, how much grammar is enough for some advanced students? We did two years of 5th/6th grade grammar (one year Abeka when she was in 3rd grade and one year Easy Grammar when she was 8 turning 9), took a break and have been using The Latin Road to English Grammar and it's going well. Should I be still doing a formal grammar through middle/high school?


Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.


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If your dd is already a good writer, this could be a great opportunity for her to excel at it. I can't speak from experience as my dd is only 9. However, my intent is to require a very rigorous writing and grammar program through high school. There have been recent posts on the high school board about the one thing that they wish they had spent more time on--the most-mentioned subject is writing. IMO, being a good writer is critical to success in college and many professions.


I am certain that I could not provide that rigor on my own, so I will use Classical Writing and Harvey's Grammar. With this program, my dd will learn to imitate the greatest writers of all time. If she chooses, she can be creative with it. We have been doing CW Aesop very sporadically because of our move, but we're starting CW Homer in the fall.


I am not as certain that grammar through high school is necessary, but I'm planning to follow the CW recommendations.

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I'll second the CW recommendation. I'm very pleased with this program, and I've seen marked improvement in my older sons' writing. I also like R&S grammar which if very thorough and rigorous as well; I use it in place of Harvey's Grammar which is recommended by CW.


I plan to work through R&S Grammar 8. If anything, we might do some grammar review during the high school years, but I don't plan on doing a full fledge course at that point. Of course, the Latin Centered Curriculum strategy is to learn English grammar through Latin studies, so you may not need to include both Latin and English grammar. I include both at our homeschool though.


Here are a couple of links for CW:

Description of the books: http://home.att.net/~MikeJaqua/TheBooks.html

Placement Chart based on grade level: http://home.att.net/~mikejaqua/whichbookstobuy.html

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