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10th grade schedule

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I've homeschooled my son since 1st grade. Put him at private school

last quarter this year. Though he is doing well he wants to return

to being homeschooled. I will be sending him out there for Alg. 2.


geometry-aleks supplemented by either LOF or MUS-any suggestions?


Alg.2 -at private school(he's doing 2 maths incase we put him in jr./sr. year at private school to be on track with the kids there)


German online trhough Oklahoma state university year 2


English-online through liberty university


Health-ACE first semester


Physical Science Apologia-he did biology this year and physical science

is a graduation req. at private school.


Bible-1/2 credit-probably Max Lucado Devotion and the gospels

He already has 1 1/2 credits


Constitional Law with Michael Farris 2nd semester- He has 1 credit W. History 1/2 gov. and wants to be a constitutional lawyer


Public Relations- 1 to 2 credits self designed course- public speaking,

making a difference in community-learning audio visual-media-etc.


Input please-thank you!

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I found what looks like an interesting Bible "thing" to do. My ds, who will be in 10th grade next year is going to be doing it. It's from Queen Homeschool and is called "Preparing for Spiritual Leadership, A Bible-Based Study for Young Men." It has 24 lessons, which can be done approx. 1-2 per week, depending on how much time they want to spend. I think it will be very good for my ds to go through that! Just thought I'd suggest it, since I just received it and it looks very interesting.



Edited by Brindee
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OSU German. I have been very pleased with this.

They don't bill you until you've tried it for a while.

There are 10 units. We have gotten off schedule.


In the beginning the child gets 3 attempts at test and

quizes then it is 2. The best one counts.

A german teacher talks to the child once a week-you call

at scheduled time-for usually 15 min. It can be more

or less depending on what they feel your child needs that

week. In the beginning it didn't take much time at all.

But now I'd say about an hour a day.


You pretty much can take as long as necessary to

complete the course. Cost is $389 and does not have to

all be paid up front. It does not count as dual enrollment.


Hope this helped.

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Academically the school is rated within the top ten private schools here in



My son takes his faith serious. He couldn't believe how little was taught

in Bible. He couldn't believe the amount of cheating in Biology and

sometimes even in Bible. Dealing with peers was one thing but the

Biology teacher was the kicker-he implied God created the earth through

evolution, he also implied if the kids needed more study time then

study during youth group, etc. My son was appauld that biology should

take precidence over youth group.



My son says the Bible tells you, you become like those you spend most

of your time with. He doesn't want to be in that environment all day.


He didn't seem to have many issues with the math teacher and

no matter what program I've used he doesn't get it, but did well

with this teacher. Though it will definately be an inconvenience to

drive him for just one course, it is a sacrafice I'll have to make in

order for him to understand math without being submerged in a

negative environment all day.



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